$1! This Spring Coloring Book Pages Resource will be $1 today and today only! Add some fun to your FOOTBALL SUNDAY and grab this Dollar Deal Today!

Read Below the Spring Coloring Book Pages Description to Learn About the Fairy Tale Coloring Pages!
Spring Coloring Book Pages Description
You will LOVE these 42 Spring Coloring Pages that come in this Spring Coloring Book Resource! Use these Spring Coloring Pages for indoor recess, staggered morning arrivals, early finishers, Open House Events, Spring Parties, writing prompts and so much more! Terrific for a Welcoming Activity on The Students' Desk When They Arrive In Your Classroom Each Spring Morning!
Terrific for a daily Spring coloring page OR have a parent volunteer bind them into a SPRING COLORING BOOK for your students. Your students will ADORE these Spring coloring pages because of the cute, cute, cute Spring graphics! Your students can also draw in a Spring background and write about their Spring coloring book page on the back. 

Use these coloring pages for all sorts of jumping off points for older students to use during their Spring creative writing lessons! Add it to your plans to compliment any Spring Unit! Download these 42 Coloring Book Pages for some INSTANT Spring Coloring Joy in your home or classroom!
* Free apps change frequently, please search Google Play or the Apple Store for current coloring pages apps.

Print all the pages and bind together for your students to have an independent Spring Time coloring books at their desk for any downtime.

- A Spring Coloring Book Gift
- Party treats
- Substitute teacher folders
- Fine motor skills work
- Indoor recess
- Morning work
- Emergency sub tubs
- Rewards
- Homework packets
- Art centers
- Watercolor painting
- Story starters
- Fast finishers
- Early morning students
- After school tutoring
- Church groups
- Boy scout meetings
- Girl scout meetings
- And so much more!
Spring Coloring Pages Descriptions
Page 1 - This Spring Coloring Book page is a Folder Cover. This page is a cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified coloring pages folder cover.
Page 2 - It's a Great Big Lion! This Spring coloring page features an enormous lion with the words, "in like a Lion, out like a Lamb" in a fun font for your students to learn the age-old tradition March, In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb!
Page 3 - It's a Big Sweet Lamb! This Spring coloring page features a cute, large lamb with the words, "in like a Lion, out like a Lamb" in a fun font for your students to learn the age-old tradition March, In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb!
Page 4 - Puddle Fun! This Spring coloring page features a really sweet puppy dancing and splashing in a springtime puddle.
Page 5 - Rainy Day Fun! This Spring coloring page features a lovely little girl with her head held high laughing and smiling up at the rain drops falling from a large, fluffy cloud!
Page 6 - Puddle Fun! This Spring coloring page features two children in rain gear and a turtle standing outside under some springtime clouds waiting for the rain.
Page 7 - Umbrella Fun! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little girl in rain gear and with an umbrella standing outside under the rain.
Page 8 - More Umbrella Fun! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little boy in rain gear and getting wet with an umbrella upside down while he is standing outside in the rain.
Page 9 - More Rainy Day Fun! This Spring coloring page features two little boys in rain gear and getting wet & dancing around in a puddle!
Page 10 - More Umbrella Fun! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little boy in his baseball t-shirt getting wet while he and a butterfly are splashing around in a puddle.
Page 11 - Time for Some Butterfly Love! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little butterfly under a springtime banner!
Page 12 - More Puddle Fun! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little boy and his little chick friend sailing a sailboat in a springtime puddle.
Page 13 - Fun, Fun, Fun! This Spring coloring page features flowers, an umbrella, and the fancy font stating, "April Showers, bring May flowers."
Page 14 - Rubber Ducky You're the One! This Spring coloring page features a sweet duck the size of the whole page! Your students will love to color this guy!
Page 15 - Fun, Fun, Fun! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little girl in her springtime clothes with her rubber ducky hanging out under a great, big umbrella that your students will love to color!
Page 16 - Flowers For You! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little boy with a pot of flowers and a handful of flowers for you!
Page 17 - Slow and Steady! This Spring coloring page features an adorable little turtle under a springtime banner and it states, "Slow and steady..."
Page 18 - A Froggy For You! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little boy holding a happy, smiling frog for you! He is in front of great big lily pads that your students can color too!
Page 19 - Smilie! This Spring coloring page features an adorable ladybug hanging out under a springtime banner!
Page 20 - It's a Windy Day! This Spring coloring page features a big kite with a big tail. The kite has patterns to color and also the word kite in an open colorable font.
Page 21 - Little Lamb, Little Lamb, We Love You! This Spring coloring page features an adorable lamb hanging out under a springtime banner!
Page 22 - Spring Has Sprung! This Spring coloring page features an adorable bird, the size of the whole page, for your students to color! It also has an open colorable font stating, "Spring" for you too!
Page 23 - Outdoor Time! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little boy with an umbrella and his pet frog!
Page 24 - More Flowers For You! This Spring coloring page features two large flowers for you! It also has an open colorable font stating, "Spring" for you too!
Page 25 - Flowers For You! This Spring coloring page features a precious little girl with a pot of flowers for you! She also has some of her butterfly friends hanging out just waiting to be colored!
Page 26 - Happy Snail! This Spring coloring page features a really large happy snail sliding along the big letters of "Spring" for you and your students!
Page 27 - Flowers For You and You and You! This Spring coloring page features a precious little girl and a handsome little boy loaded up with flowers for you! They also have some butterfly friends hanging out just waiting to be colored!
Page 28 - Happy Snail! This Spring coloring page features a great big pot of flowers, a watering can, and a flying banner with Spring on it!
Page 29 - Friends! This Spring coloring page features two young ladies sharing an umbrella with their cute springtime outfits ready to be colored for fun! One of my favorite pages.
Page 30 - Happy Birdie! This Spring coloring page features a really large happy bird with a pretty little hair bow and both of her wings are actually upside down hearts!
Page 31 - Swinging! This Spring coloring page features a sweet little girl hanging out on a tree swing with just the cutest little butterfly shirt!
Page 32 - Spring Bird! This Spring coloring page features a really large "Spring" above a cute little birdie in her nest!
Page 33 - Happy Days! This Spring coloring page features two children in rain gear laughing and smiling and waiting for the rain.
Page 34 - Spotty Dotty Days! This Spring coloring page features a large lady bug hanging out under a large spotty dotty matching banner!
Page 35 - Rain, Rain, Go Away! This Spring coloring page features two children in rain gear laughing and smiling and waiting for the rain. The little boy is so cute, he's even missing a front tooth!
Page 36 - It's a Sun Shiny Day! This Spring coloring page features a large butterfly with a cute little sun in the background.
Page 37 - You Need This When It Is Raining! This Spring coloring page features a great big umbrella with different sections to color. Perfect for a Spring bulletin board!
Page 38 - It's a Sunny Day! This Spring coloring page features a wonderful little girl outside on a bright and sunny day with flowers, a butterfly, and a kite! Your class will love it!
Page 39 - Quack, Quack! This Spring coloring page features a wonderful little duck with his own umbrella and tulips too!
Page 40 - It's a Butterfly Party! This Spring coloring page features five butterflies hanging out under a SPRING banner!
Page 41 - Flower Power! This Spring coloring page features a large flower and the word Flower in a colorable open font for your students!
Page 42 - Funky Froggie! This Spring coloring page features a terrific, happy, smiling frog and it's just one of my very favorite pages ever!
Page 43 - Sweet Lucy Ready for the Rain! This Spring coloring page features a lovely little girl all decked out with her rain gear to have a great day!
Spring Themed Coloring Pages for Your Classroom Students or Personal Children!
Pre-K to First Grade
- Use a coloring page as morning work to work on fine motor skills.
- Place a coloring page at a center to work on fine motor skills.
- Coloring pages are great story starters.
- Staple one or more coloring pages into your weekly homework packet for a little at home fun and joy!
- Staple all the coloring pages together for a literacy center writing journal where the students can write on the back of the left page about the picture on the right side.
Second Grade to Fourth Grade
- Coloring Pages are PERFECT for INDOOR RECESS!
- Use a coloring page as a reward for your students weekly homework packet being turned in on time.
- Use a coloring page as a story starter.
- Use a coloring page on Fun Friday if everyone finished their work on time.
- Staple one coloring page into your weekly homework packet for a little fun and joy at home!
- Staple 5 to 10 coloring pages together for a treasure box coloring book prize.
*** IDEA ***
Terrific for your Emergency Sub Tub for morning work, let the sub have a few minutes to read your plans while the children color!
Terrific Teacher Feedback
- Andrea Z said: Your coloring sheets have been a god send for my morning routines!! It relaxes them so much in the morning and allows me to get through notes and set up so quick! Saves me a lot of headache and time!
- Cindy Winkler said: My students loved these pages. They were exceptionally helpful have after standardized testing!
- Jodie Brice said: Adorable!
- Tanda P. said: I love this! This has been so helpful for morning work and to keep the kiddos busy the last two weeks of school. Thanks!
*** Teacher Feedback Idea for My Coloring Pages ***
Regina shares a great idea, let your student PAINT these!
How fun Regina, thank you for sharing!
Terrific Teacher Feedback
Regina Phelps, "These were amazing!!!!! The kids loved coloring and painting them through out the week and really enjoyed the characters."
♥♥♥Thank you Regina for such great feedback!♥♥♥
The possibilities are endless!
Fairy Tales Coloring Book Pages Description
$1! This Spring Coloring Book Pages Resource will be $1 today and today only! Add some fun to your FOOTBALL SUNDAY and grab this Dollar Deal Today!
You will LOVE the 52 Fairy Tales Coloring Pages and TWENTY-ONE New Additional Fairy Tales Extra Items for Fun pages that come in this Fairy Tales Coloring Book Resource! Terrific for a daily coloring page OR have a parent volunteer bind them into a FAIRY TALES COLORING BOOK for your students! Add it to your plans to compliment any Fairy Tale unit.
Kristi S. said, "Your colouring page resources are one of my favourite purchases on TpT, hands down! They are the perfect addition to my "Fast Finishers' Bin"!! This fairy tale edition is no exception!! My kidlettes are always excited to have a new sheet to complete!!! Thank you for creating this wonderful set =)." Thank you Kristi, you sure did make my day!".JPG)
UPDATED JUNE 6, 2022 ~ TEN New Pages!
* Five pages with directions and sample photos of how to create "Crown" hats with the THREE NEW Fairy Tales Crowns! Perfect to show a volunteer to help you create them for your class!
* The four new blackline pages with the Student Crown templates and side panels template! Let the students decide which crown they would like to use or select one crown style for the entire class. Print it on white or yellow {"Fancy Gold!"} construction paper or hard stock, then let the students decorate them with crayons, markers, paint, stickers, craft jewels, the possibilities to be creative are ENDLESS! You will love this craft year after year!
* One page with directions for multiple ways to create Coloring Books for your classroom. Perfect to print and give to your school volunteers!
* Six pages with directions and sample photos of how to create coloring books with the TWO NEW Fairy Tales Coloring Book covers, perfect to show a volunteer to help you create them for your class! One Cover is from Little Red Riding Hood and One Cover is from Cinderella!
* The two new blackline pages with the Student Coloring Book Covers! Use one, use two, let the students decide which one, create two small mini-books, many different ways to use these great covers!
* One page with a sample photo of how to create coloring books with the writing page on the back of each coloring book page.
* One page with the NEW writing paper blackline template.
* One page with a letter to my Teacher-Friends explaining the new pages and how the older pages are still included for free and where they are located in the resource.
If you already own this resource, please download it again to receive the new, bonus items at no additional charge!
Please Note Friends
- When I updated this Coloring Book, I added more pages with new, fresh clip art. I have left the older pages at the end of this document for buyers who might have bought this Coloring Book in the past, and really liked one of the older pictures. I still want them to get what they initial paid for, in addition to the new, crisper, cleaner clip art pages for free! The number of pages in the TpT description does not include the older pages, so if you are a new buyer, you are getting the older pages for free too!
Your students will ADORE these coloring pages because of the cute, cute, cute graphics! Perfect for when you need some "teacher paperwork needs to get done" time, your students can extend the activity by drawing in a background and writing about their coloring book page on the back or the NEW included writing page. .JPG)
Use these coloring pages for all sorts of jumping off points for older students to use during their creative writing lessons! Download these Fairy Tales Coloring Book Pages for some INSTANT Fairy Tale Coloring Joy in your home or classroom!
Terrific Teacher Feedback for these Fairy Tales Coloring Book Pages!
- Corgan B. said, "It was perfect to use these during our Fairy Tale theme, we would pick one story and they would color the corresponding picture(s) It helped the kids stayed engaged and interested while also using their imaginations!"
- Chantel T. said, "Fun for my students to color while I read the story. We had to stay distanced during story time. This helped keep them engaged at their desk versus gathered on a rug."
- Janeece N. said, "This is the perfect activity for my little ones who love to color! I love that there is so much variety for them to choose from. The graphics are super cute as well!"
*** Download These Fairy Tales Coloring Pages to use with your students and personal children TODAY! ***
* Free apps change frequently, please search Google Play or the Apple Store for current coloring pages apps.
CLASSROOM IDEA - Print all the pages and bind together for your students for a Fairy Tales Coloring Book Gift!
A few easy and inexpensive ways to create a classroom coloring book for your student.
1. Take one large piece of 18 X 12 inch construction paper and fold it in half to be 9 X 12 inch size. Place the coloring page papers inside, run three staples down the left hand side and then add the NEW cover I've included.
2. Take two separate pieces of 9 X 12 inch construction paper and use them as a front cover and a back cover. Place the coloring page papers inside and run three staples down the left hand side. Add the NEW cover and you are in business!
3. Same as step 2, only use two pieces of 9 X 12 inch scrapbook paper, if you have enough of a variety {left over from years of scrapbooking.... like me} put out a selection of papers and let your students pick the pages they would like. Perfect for some personal, relationship creating, small group time!
4. If you have a copy machine that staples, simply add the cover to the top of your copy stack, then have your machine make the book copies, including stapling them together.
5. For more of a "cover" feel, copy the front cover page and last page on colored paper, or colored card stock. Light Blue and Blue look terrific for this Coloring Book cover!.JPG)
This resource contains the following Fairy Tale themed coloring pages...
- Cinderella - 8 Pages
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears - 4 Pages
- Jack and the Beanstalk - 5 Pages
- Little Red Riding Hood - 12 Pages
- Three Little Pigs - 9 Pages
- The Happy Prince - 1 Page
- The Princess and the Dragon - 1 Page
- Rapunzel - 1 Page
- Other Themes:
- Fairies - 1 Page
- Dragons - 1 Page
- Castles - A variety of castle pages within the themes.
- Kings and Queens - 1 Page
This Fairy Tales Resource is ALSO part of the following bundles:
These Fairy Tale Coloring Pages are perfect for...
- A Fairy Tale Coloring Book Gift
- Substitute teacher folders
- Fine motor skills work
- Fairy Tales party treats
- Indoor recess
- Morning work
- Emergency sub tubs
- Rewards
- Homework packets
- Art centers
- Watercolor painting
- Story starters
- Fast finishers
- Early morning students
- After school tutoring
- Church groups
- Boy scout meetings
- Girl scout meetings
- And so much more!
Print all the pages and bind together for your students to have an independent Fairy Tales coloring books at their desk for any downtime.
The possibilities are endless!
Pre-K to First Grade
- Use a coloring page as morning work to work on fine motor skills.
- Place a coloring page at a center to work on fine motor skills.
- Coloring pages are great story starters.
- Staple one or more coloring pages into your weekly homework packet for a little at home fun and joy!
- Staple all the coloring pages together for a literacy center writing journal where the students can write on the back of the left page about the picture on the right side.
Second Grade to Fifth Grade
- Coloring Pages are PERFECT for INDOOR RECESS!
- Use a coloring page as a reward for your students weekly homework packet being turned in on time.
- Use a coloring page as a story starter.
- Use a coloring page on Fun Friday if everyone finished their work on time.
- Staple one coloring page into your weekly homework packet for a little fun and joy at home!
- Staple 5 to 10 coloring pages together for a treasure box coloring book prize.
The possibilities are endless! :)
Also Available:

***All my new products on TpT are 40% off for 48 hours.***
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