These Quick, Easy to Prep, Printable Phonics Mini-Book Reader for the -ie Word Family (Long i Sound) include two versions, one with sight words and pictures to color and one with the sight words and room to draw their own pictures related to the word family word. Perfect for independent seatwork, homework, or student led center activity!
Each mini-book reader has 10 pages, and are designed so that you can run the 10 pages through your copier using the staple feature if available. Then all you need to do is cut the stapled packet in half or slice them with your paper slicer.

If you don't have a copier that can staple, copy the ten pages, staple on the left hand side, then slice and go! :)

With each page inside the student's book, they have the word already printed for them with a line at the bottom of each page. Depending on your students' skill levels, they can write the word once, three times, or even write a complete sentence including the word family word.

So much fun to then trade books with each other and pair/share by reading to each other what they wrote in their book!
Terrific Teacher Feedbacks!
- Jessica K. said, "I absolutely loved using this resource this school year!"
- Dorothy R. said, "Great practice for some children in my enhanced provision class."
- Melissa K. said, "My students love these books!"

Since this has two different options to print and to differentiate for your classroom, it has a total of 25 pages.

The pages are as follows:
Page 1: Colorful cover page for the teacher's file. Print this page with the photo examples and place on the front of your file folder. When storing a printed copy of the resource, you can easily identify which word family is in this file. This page also has a full color example to project to the front board and show your students your directions and expectations for these word family mini-books.
Page 2: This page has more examples to project to the front board and show your students your directions and expectations for these word family mini-books. This helps save you time by not having to create a sample to show your students.
Page 3: This page has the directions to create these mini-books. Perfect to attach to the originals for a parent volunteer to create!
Page 4: This is the cover for the mini-books with a line at the bottom of each cover for the students to write their name. The word family they are studying is on the cover with an open font that that can color in and a matching picture for the word family.
Pages 5 & 15: tied - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 6 & 16: pie - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 7 & 17: tried - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 8 & 18: lie - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 9 & 19: tie - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 10 & 20: fries - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 11 & 21: die - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 12 & 22: flies - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 13 & 23: fried - Students will read the individual word on this page and then based on their ability, write the word once, three times, or even create a complete sentence for the word. After the writing assignment, depending on the version the teacher has selected, they can color in the picture or draw a complete picture / scene depicting the word family word.
Pages 14 & 24: Student page where the directions state, "Write and illustrate your own -ight story." This page includes three handwriting lines for their story and plenty of room to illustrate it too!
Page 15: This page is a second cover, one where the students can select their own -ight word family word to "draw" on the cover, as stated with a one word direction and a separate box to draw their picture inside.
Page 25: Credits
Each book follows a predictable pattern to support your kindergarten & first grade readers with decoding and reading.
If you would like to purchase these separately , below are the links for each word family mini-book in the series - Word Family Printable Mini-Books.
Core Core Standards
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3 - Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3.b - Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3.g - Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Click Here to See the Matching Mini Book for Early Readers The -ight Word Family Resource Blog Post!
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