Classroom organization and classroom management runs smoothly when you have exact systems in place. When things get a pit difficult during the year, there is nothing wrong with trying a new system too! You will love these Goldilocks and the Three Bears Themed Student Folder and Binder Covers to help organize your classroom and therefore, have a calmer classroom management system in place. Read on for more great information about using my Student Folder Covers for classroom organization and classroom management!
A listing of what is included in this Goldilocks and the Three Bears Themed Student Folder Covers Resource.
* Two different style of inside folder pocket labels.
* Six different colors and six different characters create 45 folders each for one color and character theme. For example there are 45 different folders that are YELLOW with BABY BEAR. Please read further down for the many ways to use these different colors and different themes.
* Each different character folder also comes in a black line master, this saves you colored ink and looks amazing on colored paper too!
* Ten pages with directions and ideas for using these folders again and again each year!
Listing of the 45 folders that come in six colors (and a blackline) with six character themes!
- Art Folder
- Center Folder
- Common Core Folder
- Communication Folder
- Computer Lab Folder
- Daily Folder
- Daily 5 Folder
- Data Folder
- ELA Folder
- Homework Folder
- Language Arts Folder
- Library Folder
- Literacy Stations Folder
- Math Folder
- Math Centers Folder
- Math Stations Folder
- Media Center Folder
- Music Folder
- My Folder
- Phonics Folder
- Reader's Workshop Folder
- Reading Folder
- Reading Centers Folder
- Reading Group Folder
- Reading Stations Folder
- Reading Workshop Folder
- Science Folder
- Social Studies Folder
- Speech Folder
- Spelling Folder
- Take Home Folder
- Vocabulary Folder
- Writer's Workshop Folder
- Writing Folder
- Writing Center Folder
- Work on Writing Folder
- Work Stations Folder
- Word Study Folder
- Word Work Folder
- For Teachers - Lesson Plans Folder
- New Student Folder
- Substitute Teacher Folder
- Teacher's Folder
- Teacher's Small Group Folder
There are so many uses for these student folder covers, and I’m excited to share some of my favorite ways with you!
* Use all blue folders at your Math Center with everyone getting a blue “Math Center” folder cover. Store them at the center in a blue tub. When your students arrive at the center, they will pull their folder out of the tub and complete the daily center work.
Different Ideas for using this folder at the math center:
* Pre-loaded differentiated assignments.
* Students store unfinished work in the folder so they can retrieve it easily tomorrow.
* Students turn in completed work to their folder, then a helper can collect the work out of each folder at the end of the day for the teacher. No more “lost” assignments!
* Next use all red folders with the red “Reading Center” folder cover at your Reading
Center! Green folders with a green “Word Work” folder cover for your Word Work Center, etc.
* Select three different colors / three different characters for your Reading Small Group Time. Print 8 to 10 {as needed} of each color. You can now call each group by color or character. For example: “The pink group will work with Mrs. Smith first today during Reading Rotations.” or “The Papa Bear group will work with Mrs. Smith next, so please come back to the U-shaped table.” etc.
* Next, you can use the other three colors / the other three different clip art characters, for your Math Small Group. This system of classroom management, by calling them back by color or character cuts down on all those wasted minutes that adds up to lost instructional time during the year.
Different Ideas for using this folder at your small group time:
* Have a practice worksheet in a page protector as the front page. Include a clean, old sock, and a white board marker. As soon as the students arrive at your small group table, their routine is to immediately start working on this page. This is a wonderful classroom management routine to have your students engaged during every moment of your limited small group time. The worksheet can vary by grade level, student ability, reviewing a skill, and even seasonal fun.
Some examples are:
* Handwriting pages
* Alphabet recognition pages
* Basic math facts pages
* Rainbow spelling pages
* CVC word review pages
AND on, and on, and on, and on, the possibilities are endless!
* MORE IDEAS – Next, using these student folders as a whole class, is an excellent way to set up classroom organization and classroom management. Print an entire class set of the “Homework Folder” folder covers. Then teach your students to take this home every day and return each morning. When I taught Kindergarten, they knew to empty this folder first thing each morning, hand me the returning items, then place their folder into our classroom mailboxes. At the end of the day, they would retrieve their folders and I would either stuff the folder, or as the year went on, a helper would pass out the papers and the students could stuff their items into the folders themselves as part of our End of Day Routine.
* A fun change of pace and something that works well at the beginning of the year when you might have a lot of volunteers, is to let the student pick what character they want for their Homework Folder. Then your volunteer can print out the exact pages your students selected for more student “ownership” of their Homework Folder.
* I use the term Homework Folder, but I have also included the following folders that can have the same use, depending on what your school or grade level calls it… Communications Folder, Daily Folder, My Folder, and Take Home Folder.
* I have also included two different pages of labels for the inside of your Student Take Home Folders. The “Left” at Home! label goes on the inside left folder pocket and anything you want the student to LEAVE AT HOME is stuffed into the left pocket, newsletters, finished work, crafts, etc. The other label is Bring “Right” Back! and you place that on the inside of the folder on the right pocket. This pocket is then stuffed with with items that might need a parent signature, for example, a field trip permission form. The two labels I have included are for the different grade levels that might use this resource, one set has left and right hand clip art, and the other set is just the words. Just a little something extra to help those students out with learning their left and right hands! These pages are PERFECT for an 8½ by 11 inch sticker sheet, just print, cut, and stick…. Even easier if you have a Room Mom or Parent Volunteer. Or as my husband always said, he was a Voluntold. :)
* Next, I have included a “Daily 5 Folder” if you use that program with your class, the students can use it to travel from activity to activity without losing their work. I have also included more specific folders, with “Word Work Folder” and “Writing Folder” etc. that your students can travel around the room with, or that can be left at the exact center.
* My next tip is more for 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. You can give your students, or request them on your Supply List, four different colored folders. Next, make your red folder your Reading Folder and print a class set of the red themed “Reading Folder” covers, one for each student. Use the blue cover for the “Math Folder” and a yellow class set for their “Science Folder” etc. It is up to YOU how want to organize the colors! This way each child has a different colored folder in their desk for each subject and that subject’s assignments. THIS is amazing as a transitional classroom management activity. “Please get out your Yellow Science Folder as we are about to start our Science lesson.” “As we are coming in the classroom from PE, please get out your Blue Math Folder.” By keeping the folders in their desk, there is no lost instructional time while students walk around to collect their folders from their cubbies, or their backpacks, maybe from a shelf, then a few need to wander to get a drink or to “throw away a piece of trash” so they can pass by their friend’s desk… YOU know what I mean! :)
Bonus Teacher Folders Are Also Included!
This year, as I have updated my Student Folder Covers, I’m included some adorable new Teacher Folder Covers too! Here’s a quick rundown of how you might be able to use these Teacher Folder Covers in your classroom.
Teacher’s Folder
This folder cover is for one ‘catch all’ folder for your classroom. You can keep your lesson plans, calendars, newsletters, class list, etc. in one big folder with this Teacher’s Folder Cover. Fire Drill? Just grab your Teacher’s Folder with all information and go!
Teacher’s Small Group Folder
Keep this folder at your Small Group table, with all your small group lesson plans, anecdotal notes, grades, and resources in one organized folder! With this folder cover, your Administration will be able to do a walk-thru and instantly have access to your small group lesson plans, etc.
Lesson Plan Folder
Every school is different, but my very favorite school had a lesson plan folder policy. We had to have all our plans printed and placed in a folder. Then we had to place it on the top corner of our teacher desk / teacher area so that Administration could find it easily. We had Admin walk-throughs every Monday. One week the principal, the next week the AP. This way your students knew who they were, and you became very comfortable with the walk-throughs. Even if you wanted to use an online program, we still had to print it. This was also excellent for when you had to have an emergency substitute, everyone in the school knew EXACTLY where your lesson plans were and could help the Sub!
Substitute Teacher Folder
Speaking of Substitute Teachers… I have also included a Substitute Teacher Folder Cover for you! Place EVERYTHING your sub will ever need in one binder and add this cover! TaaaDaaa – TaaaDONE!
New Student Folder
At the beginning of the year, create 3 or 4 New Student Folders and every single piece of paper you send home can be placed in each folder. When you get a new student, hand the folder to the parent or family member and then you will not lose valuable time trying to find all the forms your new students’ family will need!
Teacher Directions for Using These Folders
1. Select the colored folder covers that you would like to use in your classroom this year and print the required number on white paper or an 8½ by 11 inch sticker sheet, available at all supply stores and online too!
2. Alternatively, select the blackline folder covers that you would like to use in your classroom this year and print the necessary number on white paper, a sticker sheet, or colored paper.
3. If you need to save on the cost of colored ink, the blackline copies are adorable if you allow the students to color the pages themselves before completing your folders.
4. Next, place one page in the front of each 3-ring binder. These copies will work for 1”, 1½” 2”, and 3” binders, etc.
5. Another less expensive way to use these folder covers is to place each page inside a page protector and put the page protector inside a 3-pronged plastic or stiff paper folder.
6. The folder covers are in alphabetical order by each color / character section.
There are also multiple terms for the same thing. Example: Media Center and Library, depending on what terms your school uses.
7. You will be able to reuse these student folder covers year after year. As a Navy Wife, I’ve had to change schools with moving. Some schools I have worked at called EVERYTHING centers, then I get to a school that would not allow 3rd grade centers to be called “centers” because they felt it was too Pre-K, too much like playing. So everything at that school was called Work Stations. That is why this LARGE Packet of Folder Covers has multiple wordings. One year you might need to print “Math Centers” and the next year you might need to print “Math Work Stations.”
8. I have also included NEW BONUS pages for you, the teacher! Each colored section and each blackline section for every character is also included as a teacher folder!
If you need a new term for a different cover, please email me at and I’ll be happy to help!
A Quick Recap of What's Included for You in this Goldilocks and the Three Bears Themed Student Folder Covers and Binder Covers Resource....
Two pages of two styles of inside pocket folder pocket labels.
Ten pages of teacher directions and classroom uses.
520 pages of student and teacher folder covers in color and black line.
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