Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit!

Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit can help your class over come the stumbling block of mastering science vocabulary for many students. Research shows that many 3rd graders can understand the required science skills, but independent reading and research usually hits a roadblock due to the “higher than grade level” vocabulary that accompanies these science themes.

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

This Science Energy Vocabulary Unit has enough material for you to use as an introduction to the vocabulary, a vocabulary lesson, a review of the vocabulary, and a remediation of the vocabulary, so many ways to use the different components, you could use it all year to spiral your energy lessons!

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

You can use the many items easily for four to six weeks by spiraling as morning work, science work, science homework, literacy seat work, literacy center work, reading center work, small group lessons, etc. There are so many ways to incorporate a vocabulary review into your classroom lesson plans.

The Table of Contents lists each item and how some pages might look the same,

but it is differentiated with seven words or thirteen words, if it is in ABC order, or

mixed order, etc. If you are unsure of any page, please look first at the Table of

Contents for the title of the item.

The Teacher Example Photos are designed to show the students by projecting

them to the front of the room for a quick mini-lesson discussion.

The File Divider Photos are designed for you to place everything into one folder or

multiple folders and use these as lesson dividers and/or covers for the folders. You

can also print, laminate and place the photo at the center for the students to know

that they are at the correct center.

Ways to Use the Different Pages:

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Thirteen Words Version

* Vocabulary Definitions Page {7 words or 13 words} Send this page home in your students’ take-home folder to study at both home and school. If you use a

separate Science Folder at school, use a second copy as a page to keep in their

Science Folder. You can also set your printer / copier setting to “two to a page” so

that you can give your students half a page with the complete vocabulary for home

and the other half of the page for their Science Folder or their Science Interactive


Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!
Easier Seven Words Version

* Write the Definitions Page {7 words or 13 words} Use this page at home or in

class with the Vocabulary Definition Page for the students to write and reinforce

what each definition is for the vocabulary word. Depending on their ability, they

can also use the word in a sentence or complete a “quick draw example” of the

word in the real world.

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!
Thirteen Words Version

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!
Easier Seven Words Version

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

* Answer Keys for the Write the Definitions Pages In addition to your use, you

can post the answer key at your Science Center and/or Literacy Center to be a

guide to complete the assignment or a student self-checking page when they have

completed the definitions. You can also leave it for a Substitute Teacher day for

your Sub to check the students’ answers.

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!
Easier Seven Words Version

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!
Thirteen Words Version

* Match the Definitions Page {7 words or 13 words} 
This page comes in two

versions, ABC order, and mixed order, for both the 7 words lesson and the 13

words lesson. Use the easier ABC order as a quick pre-test and the mixed order

as a post test. These pages can also be used as seat work and/or homework too.

Answer Keys for the Match the Definitions Pages In addition to your use, you

can post the answer key at your Science Center and/or Literacy Center to be a

guide to complete the assignment or a student self-checking page when they have

completed the definitions. You can also leave it for a Substitute Teacher day for

your Sub to check the students’ answers.

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

* Study Cards Print and laminate for your Science and/or Literacy Center so that

your students can use these cards to fill out their “Write the Definitions” pages.

Your students can also use them as flash cards alone or with each other, by

holding their hand over the definition. Place these cards around the room so that

your students can use a clip board and “Walk the Room” or “Read the Room” to

find each card and write the definition on the included Study Cards Recording

Sheets. These cards can also be printed in black and white for the students to

keep a set at home and a set in their Science Folder {if the cost of colored ink is a


Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

* Study Cards Recording Sheets
 Print the first page with the seven answer areas

for the students only studying the main seven words and print the first page and

the second page back-to-back for your students that are studying all thirteen

words. You can also give your students one page on one day, and the second

page on another day if they need their lessons broken down into smaller,

manageable parts.

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

* The I Have, Who Has? Game Cards! Print, laminate, cut out and use year after


Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!
Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

* Teacher Direction Sheet A how to page for you to teach your students how to

play I Have, Who Has? Games. You can also use this with a parent volunteer or

paraprofessional to review the vocabulary with 4 – 6 students in a small group.

This game, with the teacher directions included, are also great for an


* Teacher Answer Key Sheet This page is to keep the game moving so that you

can tell what answer comes next, I also recommend letting one student be the

“teacher” so that they can help the game continue to move forward while you, the

teacher, can get a few minutes of work done. PERFECT for the end of the day

when you have students waiting for walker / car rider / bus dismissal


* Match Game Cards I love these cards and the multiple uses you can have with

them, year after year, class after class! Print, laminate, cut out and then you can

use these cards with your students for playing “Match Game” also known as

“Concentration”. Place each card face down, and then take turns turning over two

cards at a time. If the student selects the word with the correct definition, they get

to keep the two cards. The winner ends the game with the most matching sets of

cards. This is a great game that one student can play as a way of reading and

reviewing the vocabulary words and definitions. Print a set for each student to play

Concentration at home with their family to continue to reinforce these vocabulary

words! For more fun, use one dice. Before the student’s turn, roll the one dice to

see how many turns you get. Roll a 1, you get one turn, but roll a 6, and you’re in

luck with getting 6 turns!

Click Here to Download Energy - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to Use in Your Classroom Today!

* Match Game Cards Recording Sheets I have placed the Study Cards Recording

Sheets with the Match Game Cards for ease of printing. These recording sheets

work will with these cards too!

This 3rd Grade Science Vocabulary Unit for Energy Resource Includes:


Pages 1 – 3 - Lesson Plan Ideas with Teaching Tips

Page 4 – 13 Words - Vocabulary Definitions Teacher Example Photo

Page 5 – 13 Words - Vocabulary Definitions Take Home Folder Page

Page 6 – 13 Words - Write the Vocabulary Definitions ABC Order

Page 7 – 13 Words - Write the Vocabulary Definitions Mixed Order

Page 8 – 7 Words - Vocabulary Definitions Teacher Example Photo

Page 9 – 7 Words - Vocabulary Definitions Take Home Folder Page

Page 10 – 7 Words - Write the Vocabulary Definitions ABC Order

Page 11 – 7 Words - Write the Vocabulary Definitions Mixed Order

Page 12 – Vocabulary Definitions Answer Keys Photo for File Dividers

Page 13 – 13 Words - Answer Key Vocabulary Definitions ABC Order

Page 14 – 13 Words - Answer Key Vocabulary Definitions Mixed Order

Page 15 – 7 Words - Answer Key Vocabulary Definitions ABC Order

Page 16 – 7 Words - Answer Key Vocabulary Definitions Mixed Order

Page 17 – 13 Words - Match the Definitions Teacher Example Photo

Page 18 – 13 Words - Match the Definitions ABC Order

Page 19 – 13 Words - Match the Definitions Mixed Order

Page 20 – 7 Words - Match the Definitions Teacher Example Photo

Page 21 – 7 Words - Match the Definitions ABC Order

Page 22 – 7 Words - Match the Definitions Mixed Order

Page 23 – Match the Definitions Answer Keys Photo for File Dividers

Page 24 – 13 Words - Answer Key Match the Definitions ABC Order

Page 25 – 13 Words - Answer Key Match the Definitions Mixed Order

Page 26 – 7 Words - Answer Key Match the Definitions ABC Order

Page 27 – 7 Words - Answer Key Match the Definitions Mixed Order

Page 28 – Study Cards Teacher Example Photo

Page 29 – Study Cards with Recording Sheet Teacher Example Photo

Page 30 – Study Cards with Write the Definitions Sheet Teacher

Example Photo

Pages 31 - 34 – Study Cards and Study Card Deck of Cards Cover -

Perfect for “Read the Room” and “Scoot”

Page 35 – Study Cards Recording Sheet with 7 Answer Areas

Page 36 – Study Cards Recording Sheet with 6 Answer Areas,

Designed to be Printed on the Back of Page 33 for 13 Answers.

Page 37 – I Have, Who Has? Teacher Photo for File Dividers

Page 38 – I Have, Who Has? Teacher Directions

Page 39 – I Have, Who Has? Teacher Answer Key Listing the Order

Page 40 – I Have, Who Has? Cards Teacher Example Photo

Pages 41 - 44 – I Have, Who Has? Cards and Deck of Cards Cover

Page 45 – Match Game Teacher Example Photo

Page 46 – Match Game Cards With Recording Sheet Teacher

Example Photo

Page 47 – Match Game Cards With the Write the Definitions

Recording Sheet Teacher Example Photo

Pages 48 – 54 – Match Game Cards and Deck of Cards Cover

Page 55 – Match Game Cards With BOTH Recording Sheets Teacher

Example Photo

Page 56 – Match Game Cards Recording Sheet with 7 Answer Areas

{Same as the Study Cards Recording Sheet, But Placed Here to Ease

of Printing.}

Page 57 – Match Game Cards Recording Sheet with 6 Answer Areas,

Designed to be Printed on the Back of Page 33 for 13 Answers. {Same

as the Study Cards Recording Sheet, But Placed Here to Ease of


** Please view the cover, the pictures and the preview file for more details. **

This 3rd Grade Science Energy Vocabulary Unit is perfect for...

  • A Fast Finishers Tub
  • Small Group Lessons
  • Science Workstations
  • Remediation and RTI Groups
  • Clip Board Work Time
  • Seat Work
  • Literacy Workstations
  • Substitute Teacher Folders
  • Science Take Home Work
  • Reading Workstations
  • Homework Worksheets
  • Morning Work Tubs
  • Independent Practice
  • Early Finishers
  • Vocabulary Workstations
  • Emergency Sub Tubs
  • Morning Science Buckets
  • Parent Volunteer Buckets
  • After School Tutoring
  • Early Morning Arrival Students
  • Early Morning Tutoring
  • Small Science Group Lessons
  • Science Center Assignments
  • And so much more!
Click here to download the matching Matter - A third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to USE TODAY in your classroom!

Click here to download the matching Matter - A third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit to USE TODAY in your classroom!

Up Next - LIGHT - A Third Grade Science Vocabulary Unit!

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Common Core State Standards


Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.


Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.


Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).

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