You can dedicate one of your math centers, math workstations, as a skills only center. By changing out the skill each week, your students already know the directions for using the resources at the math center. Your math center can be placed in a folder with the folder cover and the student can take the center back to their seat if classroom space is limited.
Your students will enjoy the freedom of center games while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! This Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games is also perfect for an assessment grade for kindergarten and first grade!

***Terrific Teacher Feedback***
- Amy's Fantastic First Grade (TpT Seller) said, "Students always need lots of practice with making ten!"
- Mary R. said, "This is an awesome resource. Thanks for sharing."
- Kristina A. said, "Thanks for this great resource!"
Have you ever been given a volunteer one day without advanced notice? A college student or a local business person maybe that the office assigned to you? These center games are perfect to give to the volunteer to work one on one with each student during the day. Place a small desk in the corner or in the hallway and your students will love some one on one time practicing their multiplication facts with the volunteer that day, in addition to making you look like an amazingly prepared teacher! Download this resource today and you'll be ready to go!

Once your students know the expectations of using center games, your math skills reading center can run all year with different skills from a variety of over 1,500+ of my center games! Click here to see all my center games.
When it comes to the ease of prepping this Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games Resource, all of the pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or round pumpkin shape, just rectangles with frames, math problems, and cute, cute, cute clip art, perfect for primary elementary school students!
Download This Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games Resource to USE in Your Classroom TODAY!

This Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games Resource Includes:
Page One - A cover page stating "Addition Make Ten" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your teacher files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center.
Page Two - Quick and Easy Teacher Directions to jump start using this center game, perfect to give to a paraprofessional or parent volunteer to create this center for your class!
Page Three - Common Core Poster for your Math Center or "What are we learning?" wall. This Common Core poster can also be printed, 3-hole punched, and placed in your lesson plans to correspond with your math center activities.
Page Four - A Quick and Easy "Math Center!" Poster is perfect to place on a folder cover to create a moveable center, or on the wall over your math center. If you like this Math Center Sign, it can stay up all year!
Page Five - An interactive notebook page, "Make Ten" place it in your student interactive notebooks or on a regular piece of notebook paper. The student directions are also include for how to cut and paste the page as well as "write the fact on the flap" and "write the answer under the flap" for a more independent activity.
Page Six - Another cover page stating "Addition Make Ten" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your teacher files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center.
Page Seven - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and one make ten addition problem on each card.
Page Eight - Twelve center game cards with matching cute clip art and one answer on each card. Yes, each answer is 10, that's why this is a freebie, but it is still an excellent way for your students to learn, review, and memorize the addition make ten facts!
Page Nine - A Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder, center envelope, center Ziploc baggie, or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Pages Ten to Twenty-One - NEW REVISION ADDED October 2022
** FREE BONUS ** 12 pages - A new letter from me - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom! * Just a little thank you for all that you do for our students! *assessment.
There are many ways to use this Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games Resource, here are a few of my favorite ways:
- Use one page as a game board, cut the other page. Place all those cards face down. Have the students turn over one card at a time, solve and place face up on the board. If they are incorrect, the card returns to the bottom of the pile. The winner is the student who places the final card. OR, for a "no winner" version, the goal is for the students to solve the cards independently, but to completely cover the board together. This version can ALSO be played two ways. One way is with the answer page as the game board, another way is with the math problem page as the game board instead.
- You can also play this game with cutting all the cards and matching up the problems with the solutions.
- For movement, place the problem cards around the room and the student(s) have to solve the math problem and leave the correct answer card at that location. Have a second student check the answers to extend the game.
- Mix all the cards together, with two students, deal 5 cards to each student and then place the remaining cards face down. Use as a Go Fish card game!
- Lay all the cards upside down on the floor and use as a Concentration (some call it Memory) Game!
This Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games Resource is also PERFECT for...
• Remediation and RTI groups
• Substitute teacher folders
• Scoot and Read the Room games
• Concentration
• Match Game
• Go Fish
• Assessments
• Fine motor skills work
• Indoor recess
• Morning work
• Emergency sub tubs
• Homework packets
• Math Night with Parents
• Math Centers
• Early morning arrival students
• After school tutoring
• Before school tutoring
• And so much more!
This Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games Resource Freebie is so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!

To recap what's Included in this Winter Themed Make Ten Addition Strategy Math Center Games Resource:
- 2 Center Folder Covers in color.
- 1 Math Center Sign in color.
- 1 Teacher Direction in color.
- 1 Student Direction in color.
- 1 Common Core Poster color.
- 24 Center Game Cards in color.
- * BONUS * Twelve page letter from me with ideas, tips, and lesson plans for using Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! These 12 pages are not included in the total TpT page count.

Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.
Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
Did You Download Last Week's Freebie Friday For Your Files?
Fall Teaching Time to the Hour and Half-Hour Task Cards

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