Freebie Friday - Three Different Equivalent Fractions Go Fish and Math Center Games for Your Classroom!

Looking to add some excitement to your center time? These Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game Freebie Resource are a highly engaging Go Fish Math Center Game for Equivalent Fractions! These cards are quick and easy to prep and can also be used for concentration, match game, scoot, read the room, and more!
Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!
{As of April 27, 2024 Downloaded 117,050 times!}

These Equivalent Fractions Math Centers also come with an Interactive Notebook Activity and the Interactive Notebook Activity's Answer Key. The Center Game is also self checking, with the answer key included, it is even perfect for an informal assessments during your small group time!

Once your students play with this deck of cards, many of my other Quick and Easy to Prep centers can be used for different skills and seasons. Your center time will run smoothly and with very little prep from you! Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Game Freebie Resource Today!
  • Amy C. said, "I set this up as a competition - the students had to work as teams matching the pieces together. They loved moving around the room finding their pieces!"
  • Room 111 (TpT Seller) said, "Thank you! I love that the game and the note booking element go together- so well thought out!"
  • Parkerz Principles in Math Reading (TpT Seller) said, "Positively perfect for fractions practice! Thanks, Fern!"
The Alien Equivalent Fractions Terrific Teacher Feedback!

  • Janet B N. said, "I love, love, love these cards - and so have my students! The graphics are fabulous and add so much life to the variety of games I've used the cards for. You took equivalent fractions to a whole new galaxy! Many thanks. :)"
  • Kristy Shattler (TpT Seller) said, "Great resource to use with my 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade ESE Students!"
  • moward (TpT Seller) said, "My kids need as much hands on as possible! Thank you for sharing this resource!"

The Princess Equivalent Fractions Terrific Teacher Feedback!

  • Rosiland L. said, "This is a fantastic activity. It is greatly appreciated. It will reinforce what they are learning in class about equivalent fractions."
  • Elisabeth K. said, "Thank you for sharing! My kiddos will love these! They always keep the information so much better after playing some games with it."
  • Teach With Me (TpT Seller) said, "Thank you for the FREEBIE Fern. You sure know how to put the fun in math. Children really enjoy hands-on learning with games, which makes teaching difficult concepts a lot easier and more interesting."

Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

The Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game Freebie Resource Includes:

Page One - A Teacher Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. "Equivalent Fractions" attach it to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Center Games folder cover.

Page Two - Teacher Directions.

Page Three - A cute, clip art matching "Equivalent Fractions Spaceman Go Fish" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Spaceman Go Fish Center Games!

Page Four - A cute, clip art matching "Equivalent Fractions Spaceman Center Games" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Equivalent Fractions Math Center Games! If you like, you can place it on the wall over your math center and it it can stay up all year!

Page Five - Go Fish Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.

Pages Six and Seven - 24 center game cards with adorable spaceman matching clip art to use with multiple game ideas!

Page Eight - A Student Recording Sheet. If you would like to add more rigor to your classroom centers, you can have your students complete this fraction recording sheet at the center or back at their seat. It is perfect for an informal assessment too!

Page Nine - An Answer Key for the Student Recording Sheet. Laminate and leave at your center or small group table for a student self-checking answer key page!

Page Ten - An Interactive Notebook Activity, have your students place this page into their math journal when you are studying fractions or on one piece of notebook paper to turn the assignment into you.

Page Eleven - An Answer Key for the Interactive Notebook Activity. Laminate and leave at your center or small group table for a student self-checking answer key page!

EXTRA BONUS - Eight pages with photos to help you set up the many different ways to use this Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Game and Extra Math Center Games Resource Bundle!

Pages Twenty To Thirty-One - ** BONUS FILE ** Added in September 2022 Twelve Pages of my Newly Revised Letter An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!

This new letter is my FREE gift to all my teacher friends for all that you do for our students!

Please note ~ These extra 12 pages ARE NOT included in the total page count on TpT's description page.

The Harder Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game Freebie Resource Includes:

Page One - A Teacher Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. "Equivalent Fractions" attach it to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Center Games folder cover.

Page Two - Teacher Directions.

Page Three - A cute, clip art matching "Harder Equivalent Fractions Alien Go Fish" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Alien Go Fish Center Games!

Page Four - A cute, clip art matching "Harder Equivalent Fractions Alien Center Games" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Equivalent Fractions Math Center Games! If you like, you can place it on the wall over your math center and it it can stay up all year!

Page Five - Go Fish Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.

Pages Six and Seven - 24 center game cards with adorable Alien matching clip art to use with multiple game ideas!

Page Eight - A Student Recording Sheet. If you would like to add more rigor to your classroom centers, you can have your students complete this fraction recording sheet at the center or back at their seat. It is perfect for an informal assessment too!

Page Nine - An Answer Key for the Student Recording Sheet. Laminate and leave at your center or small group table for a student self-checking answer key page!

Page Ten - An Interactive Notebook Activity, have your students place this page into their math journal when you are studying fractions or on one piece of notebook paper to turn the assignment into you.

Page Eleven - An Answer Key for the Interactive Notebook Activity. Laminate and leave at your center or small group table for a student self-checking answer key page!

EXTRA BONUS - Eight pages with photos to help you set up the many different ways to use this Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Game and Extra Math Center Games Resource Bundle!

Pages Twenty To Thirty-One - ** BONUS FILE ** Added in September 2022 Twelve Pages of my Newly Revised Letter An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!

This new letter is my FREE gift to all my teacher friends for all that you do for our students!

Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

The Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game Freebie Resource Includes:

Page One - A Teacher Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. "Equivalent Fractions" attach it to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Center Games folder cover.

Page Two - Teacher Directions.

Page Three - A cute, clip art matching "Equivalent Fractions Princess Go Fish" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Princess Go Fish Center Games!

Page Four - A cute, clip art matching "Equivalent Fractions Princess Center Games" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Equivalent Fractions Math Center Games! If you like, you can place it on the wall over your math center and it it can stay up all year!

Page Five - Go Fish Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.

Pages Six and Seven - 24 center game cards with adorable Princess matching clip art to use with multiple game ideas!

Page Eight - A Student Recording Sheet. If you would like to add more rigor to your classroom centers, you can have your students complete this fraction recording sheet at the center or back at their seat. It is perfect for an informal assessment too!

Page Nine - An Answer Key for the Student Recording Sheet. Laminate and leave at your center or small group table for a student self-checking answer key page!

Page Ten - An Interactive Notebook Activity, have your students place this page into their math journal when you are studying fractions or on one piece of notebook paper to turn the assignment into you.

Page Eleven - An Answer Key for the Interactive Notebook Activity. Laminate and leave at your center or small group table for a student self-checking answer key page!

EXTRA BONUS - Eight pages with photos to help you set up the many different ways to use this Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Game and Extra Math Center Games Resource Bundle!

Pages Twenty To Thirty-One - ** BONUS FILE ** Added in September 2022 Twelve Pages of my Newly Revised Letter An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!

This new letter is my FREE gift to all my teacher friends for all that you do for our students!

Please note ~ These extra 12 pages ARE NOT included in the total page count on TpT's description page.

Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

Changing up different styles of center games each week leads to two different outcomes. 

  • 1. The students learn how to play a new game, but they don't play it enough to learn and review the SKILL that was the original intent of the game. Remember the first time you played Clue or Monopoly? You spent A LOT of time learning the GAME, the RULES, but not the problem solving that goes with winning those game. After 3 or 4 times playing the game, you LEARNED how to focus on the problem solving, the WINNING of the game, since you finally know the routine and the rules. The same negative outcome happens with changing the type of center each week for our students. 
  • 2. It takes so much time to teach new games each week that teachers interviewed stated that they simply did not have time. So those teachers tend not to do math stations, math centers. In the long run, their students lose the life skills that come from games. Cooperation, good sportsmanship, strategic planning, problem solving, independence, critical thinking skills, etc. AND teachers miss out on having quality small group time with their students.

This Quick and Easy to Prep Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game Freebie Resource is Perfect for a Review for Back to School. Perfect for a Make It Take It Activity for Meet the Parents, Open House, Math Night, etc.

Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

Different Ways to Use My Center Games In Your Classroom

Keep one page as a game board, do not cut out the individual playing cards. Then, cut out the matching cards. It doesn't matter if you cut out the problems and keep the answers as the game board, like the picture shows, or cut out the answers and keep the problems as the game board. Your students will get practice either way. If printing is no problem, you can create two different centers, one with the problem page as the game board and another one with the answer page as the game board.

If space is at a premium in your classroom, and you don't have set center areas, storing the center in a folder lets the students take it back to their seat, under their seat on the floor, or a quiet corner in the room and have a "CENTER" all ready to use. This becomes even lower prep for you once you teach them where to get the center and the expectations when using that center.

As you know, two pocket folders are dirt cheap during the back to school sales. I know I have been on teams at different schools where we NEVER used the pocket folders that the school supply list at Wal*Mart had listed for our grade level. This way, using them for centers makes me feel a little better about the money the parents spent on them. Also, in the past, I have asked parents for these folders when the stores had them marked down to ten and five cents.
Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

Here is another way that I really liked, and one that worked well with my third graders. Keep everything in a gallon Ziploc baggie. The older students can handle the zipper at the top and you will end up with fewer missing pieces. Once, when I had a very small classroom, center time and silent reading time was the only time they were allowed UNDER their desks, we called it our forts to make that time special. Ziploc baggies work well for students that need to pick up the center game and move it to their desk to work on that skill.
When using a gallon Ziploc, I put the cover in so that it was showing on one side, and then the directions showing on the other side. I taught the students that they did not have to pull out those two pages. This works well if laminating is costly and not easily available at your school. Those two pages will keep well in the Ziploc baggie.

Another Way to Play with these Center Games

To play a very basic center game, when you prep your card deck, use different color Sharpie Markers to make matching symbols on the back of matching cards. Then the student turns all the cards face up / problem and answer side up and lays them out on the floor or table. They work the math, mentally, or with a white board, and then flip the two pairs over to see a matching symbol on the back to know it is the correct pair. 

Another Fun Idea for Centers

This is just like the above directions, but when you prep your card deck, use cute little stickers to make matching pictures on the back of matching cards. I know when I buy stickers for my planners, I always have a lot of those little-bitty stickers left over after I use the big, fun ones! Those stickers are perfect for this.

Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

Another Center Game Idea

I like to store my center games in a filing cabinet, both the folder option and the baggie option fit nicely into your files. I have spent most of my career in primary education, which is usually seasonal, so I keep all my files by month, August at the front and working my way back to June! I hope some of these suggestions help you with your small group time by having some engaging games for your other students at centers.

Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

To Recap ~ Each of These Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Card Game Freebie Resource Include:

  • A teacher folder cover
  • A teacher direction page
  • A center cover
  • A math center games sign / student center cover
  • A student direction page
  • Two pages of playing cards
  • A student recording sheet
  • The student recording sheet answer key
  • A student interactive notebook worksheet
  • A student interactive notebook worksheet answer key
  • EIGHT PAGE BONUS - Photos to help you set up the many different ways to use this Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Game and Extra Math Center Games Resource Bundle!
  • NEW FREE BONUS FILE - A 12 page letter from me!

A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! These 12 pages are a free bonus for my WONDERFUL teacher followers! Thank you for all you do!

Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!
Download these FREE Equivalent Fractions Go Fish Math Center Card Games Free Resources to USE in Your Classroom Today!

Common Core Standards


Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same point on a number line.


Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, (e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3). Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model.


Explain why a fraction / is equivalent to a fraction ( × )/( × ) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.

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