Idioms and figurative language can be challenging for children to understand, especially for your English Language Learners! But, this BIG BUNDLE OF IDIOM ACTIVITIES RESOURCE provides a variety of high interest ways for students to learn, review, and understand idioms.

You will love how easy it is to prepare these Idiom task cards, Idiom centers games, Idiom posters, Idiom teacher examples, Idiom workbooks, Idiom class books, and idioms writing centers for your class. They are perfect for small group work, scoot, read the room, homework, seat work, center work, the possibilities are endless. The different activities will help your students distinguish between the literal and nonliteral meanings as well as understand what each idiom means.
- Rachel Hopper (TpT Seller) said, "Love the bright colours and the ease of use and printing."
- Amanda Salotti (TpT Seller) said, "Great resource! My daughter is a VERY literal person so using these helps her understand certain phrases or sayings better! Thank you!"
- More Than Worksheets (TpT Seller) said, "Exactly what I was searching for, thank you!"

Your students will enjoy the freedom that comes with these center games, writing centers, and task cards while learning and reviewing important idiom skills at the same time! Perfect for review. Students can answer in your classroom journals or on the many included styles of recording sheets. Perfect for an assessment grade for your students!

This Idioms Big Bundle of Activates was Designed for 3rd to 5th Grade Students and Includes:
Page 1 - Teacher Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Idioms Activates Folder Cover. This page can also be used as an Idiom Center Sign. Place it on the front of a folder to create a moveable center.
Page 2 - Color Matching Definition Poster - A Matching Color Printable Idiom Definition Center Sign. It has cute clip art and has "Idioms" with the definition of Idioms. You can project it before your lesson, or print it to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized literacy center. See my "new 12 page letter" at the end of the resource for more details and ways to use this poster.
Page 3 - Color Matching Example Poster - A Matching Color Printable Idiom Example Center Sign. It has cute clip art and explains the Idiom "A cold shoulder!" You can project it before your lesson, or print it to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized literacy center. See my "new 12 page letter" at the end of the resource for more details and ways to use this poster.
Page 4 - Teacher Idioms Direction Sheet
Page 5 - Black and White Matching Definition Poster - A Matching Black and White Printable Idiom Definition Center Sign. It is not grayscale, it is black and white and prints an excellent, crisp copy that can be used in creating Idiom workbooks. It has cute clip art and has "Idioms" with the definition of Idioms. You can also project it before your lesson, or print it to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized literacy center. See my "new 12 page letter" at the end of the resource for more details and ways to use this poster.
Page 6 - Black and White Matching Example Poster - A Matching Black and White Printable Idiom Example Center Sign. It is not grayscale, it is black and white and prints an excellent, crisp copy that can be used in creating Idiom workbooks for your class. Use this page as an Idiom cover page with page 5 behind it. Then, add as many of the poster examples, and writing pages as you desire! It has cute clip art and explains the Idiom "A cold shoulder!" You can project it before your lesson, or print it to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized literacy center. See my "new 12 page letter" at the end of the resource for more details and ways to use this poster.
Page 7 - Color Matching Common Core Definition Poster - A Matching Color Printable Idiom Common Core Sign. It has matching cute clip art and has L.4.5.b and the definition.
Pages 8 to 12 - Five Teacher Answer Key Pages - These five Idiom Answer Keys has 48 Idioms statements and 48 definitions. This page can also be a Student Self-Checking packet at your Idioms Center.
Page 13 - Color Matching Idioms Joke Poster - A Matching Color Printable Idiom Joke Sign. You can project it before your lesson, and you and your students can have a great laugh!
Page 14 - Teacher Directions and Photo Examples for Ways to Use the 44 Posters - Teacher Directions and Photo Examples for Ways to Use the 44 Posters in your classroom! Perfect to show to a parent volunteer to help you create an example lesson poster bulletin board!
Pages 15 to 58 - Forty-Four Colorful Idioms Posters - These 44 posters a bright, colorful, and have adorable clip art. They are examples of what an idiom looks like literally, for example, the Couch Potato poster is a potato happily sitting on a couch! This 44 posters create and excellent Idioms lesson bulletin board!
Page 59 - Teacher Directions and Photo Examples for Ways to Make Stations - Teacher directions and photo examples for ways to make literacy stations using file folders or pocket folders. Perfect to show to a parent volunteer to help you create literacy stations!
Page 60 - Teacher Directions and Photo Examples for Ways to Make Stations - Teacher directions and photo examples for ways to make literacy stations using pocket charts. Perfect to show to a parent volunteer to help you create literacy stations!
Page 61 - A Photo Example of Match Game - Teacher directions and a photo example to show your students how to set up the center games cards to play Match Game!
Page 62 - Color Matching Center Game Sign - Cute, colorful file folder cover or wall sign for your literacy center. With this matching color printable Idiom center game sign, you can attach it to the front of a folder, keep all your center game pieces inside the folder, and place it at your center. When you are done teaching this Idiom skill, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Idioms Center Game Folder Cover. This page can also be used as an Idiom Center Sign. Place it on wall of your literacy center or on the front of a folder to create a moveable center.
Pages 63 to 70 - Black and White Center Game Pieces - Eight pages of center game pieces. 96 Idiom cards, 48 cards with the idiom statements and 48 cards with the idiom definitions. All pieces are black and white, square and easy to cut out, perfect for a volunteer to help you!
Page 71 - Color Matching Task Cards Sign - Cute, colorful file folder cover or wall sign for your literacy center. With this matching color printable Idiom task cards sign, you can attach it to the front of a folder, keep all your task card pieces inside the folder, and place it at your center. When you are done teaching this Idiom skill, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Idioms Task Card Folder Cover. This page can also be used as an Idiom Task Card Center Sign. Place it on wall of your literacy center or on the front of a folder to create a moveable Idioms task card center.
Pages 72 to 83 - Forty-Eight Matching Colorful Idioms Task Cards - Twelve pages of Idioms task cards. 48 Idiom task cards with the idiom statements. All pieces are in color, with a bright, matching colorful border, they are rectangular and easy to cut out, perfect for a volunteer to help you!
Pages 84 to 95 - Forty-Eight Matching Black and White Idioms Task Cards -Twelve pages of Idioms task cards. 48 Idiom task cards with the idiom statements. All pieces are in black and white. It is not grayscale, it is black and white will print out nice, crisp task cards. They are rectangular and easy to cut out, perfect for a volunteer to help you!
Page 96 - Color Matching "Printables" Poster - A Matching Color Printable Idiom Printables Sign. It is bright and colorful and you can attach it to a folder for a moveable, well organized literacy center. No matter how you set up your literacy center, this folder cover will keep all the printables you select to use in one space saving folder! See my "new 12 page letter" at the end of the resource for more details and ways to use this folder cover.
Page 97 - Teacher Directions and a Photo Example of Classroom Books or Individual Student Books - Teacher directions and a photo example to show your parent volunteers how to create a classroom Idioms book! This example can also be used to place all the pages together that you want for your students to create an Idioms workbook too.
Pages 98 to 103 - Six Different Styles of Recording Sheets to Use with the Idioms Task Cards - These six pages are laid out to be used in different ways to differentiate for your students' different needs, year after year!
- Page 98 - For Idioms Task Cards Numbered 1 to 12.
- Page 99 - For Idioms Task Cards Numbered 13 to 24.
- Page 100 - For Idioms Task Cards Numbered 25 to 36.
- Page 101 - For Idioms Task Cards Numbered 37 to 48.
- Page 102 - For Idioms Task Cards Numbered 1 to 24.
- Page 103 - For Idioms Task Cards Numbered 25 to 48.
You can use these recording sheet pages by having your students only complete 6 a day, or 12 a day, or 24 a day... They make a great Idiom workbook so that your students can complete as many idioms as possible during their down time or as an item for your Fast Finishers! You can also print these recording pages front to back to save paper too! Lots of great ideas and ways to differentiate this resource!
Pages 104 to 106 - Three Different Styles of Writing Paper Sheets to Use with Your Idioms Lessons - These three pages are laid out to be used in different ways to differentiate for your students' different needs, year after year!
- Page 104 - This Idioms Writing Paper Page has a large box at the top for the students to draw their idioms, literally or figuratively, OR both, you decide. Then, it has one handwriting line on the bottom for the students to write on. This page is perfect for the younger grade levels and for you to differentiate according to your students' abilities year after year!
- Page 105 - This Idioms Writing Paper Page has a box at the top 1/3rd of the page for the students to draw their idioms, literally or figuratively, OR both, you decide. Then, it has five handwriting lines on the page for the students to write more about their idiom choice. This page is perfect for you to differentiate according to your students' abilities year after year! A great page to put into your Idioms Classroom Books or Individual Idiom Workbooks!
- Page 106 - This Idioms Writing Paper Page has nine handwriting lines and one small box for your older grade levels to illustrate their idioms.
These pages make a great Idiom workbook so that your students can complete as many idioms as possible during their down time or as an item for your Fast Finishers! You can also print these writing pages front to back to save paper too! Lots of great ideas and ways to differentiate this resource!
Pages 107 to 118 >>> NEW FREE BONUS FILE
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom!
(The actual number of pages listed on this TpT description page does not include this bonus letter. The resource is a total of 106 pages and these 12 pages are a free bonus for my TpT follower-friends!) Thank you, Fern :)

Have you ever been given a volunteer one day without advanced notice? A college student or a local business person maybe that the office assigned to you? These Idiom task cards are perfect to give to the volunteer to work one on one with each student during the day. Place a small desk in the corner or in the hallway and your students will love some one on one time practicing their figurative language with the volunteer that day, in addition to making you look like an amazingly prepared teacher! Download this resource today and you'll be ready to go!

This Idiom Activities Big Bundle of Resources is Perfect for...
- Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
- Reading Center Assignments
- Fine Motor Skills Working on Writing
- Small Literacy Group Lessons
- Reading Workstations
- Morning Work Worksheet and Task Cards
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Clip Board Work Time
- Seat Work
- Morning Reading Buckets
- Literacy Workstations
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Indoor Recess
- Homework Packets
- Morning Work Tubs
- Independent Practice
- Early Finishers
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Literacy Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Early Morning Arrival Students
- Early Morning Tutoring
- And so much more!

Common Core Standards
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.5 - Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.4.5 - Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.4.5.B - Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.5 - Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
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