40% OFF for 48 Hours! Are you a 3rd grade teacher looking for resources to review, reinforce, and remediate your students' multiplication skills? You will love how easy it is to prepare this Multiplication Arrays Center Games Bundle for your class.

Your math center can be placed in a folder with the folder cover, see my PREVIEW PICTURES, and the student can take the center back to their seat if classroom space is limited. Your students will enjoy the freedom of center games while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! This Adorable Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource Bundle is perfect for assessment grades for 3rd Grade!

Have you ever been given a volunteer one day without advanced notice? A college student or a local business person maybe that the office assigned to you? These center games are perfect to give to the volunteer to work one on one with each student during the day. Place a small desk in the corner or in the hallway and your students will love some one on one time practicing their multiplication facts with the volunteer that day, in addition to making you look like an amazingly prepared teacher! Download this resource today and you'll be ready to go!

When it comes to the ease of prepping this Multiplication Arrays Center Games Bundle, all of the pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or round pumpkin shape, just rectangles with frames, math problems, and cute clip art, perfect for third graders!
This Multiplication Array Math Center Games Resource Bundle has the Following Multiplication Arrays Resources:
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with an Inviting Owl Theme!
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with an Adorable Pirate Theme!
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with a Sweet Easter Theme!
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with a Cool Beach Theme!
Please note that the same arrays are in all four resources, with large, tall, rectangular playing cards, only so many types of arrays will fit. Once you cut and use the cards for each game, your students will not notice.

I Recommend Using these Multiplication Array Math Center Games Resources in the Following Order:
- September / Back to School
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with an Inviting Owl Theme!
- December / Return to School in January
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with an Adorable Pirate Theme!
- March / April ~ Depending on Easter's Date that Year
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with a Sweet Easter Theme!
- May / End of the School Year
- Multiplication Arrays Center Games with a Cool Beach Theme!
Download this Multiplication Arrays Center Games Bundle to use in your class TODAY!

This Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource Bundle Includes:
Adorable Beach Themed Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource:
Page One - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. "Arrays Multiplication Center Games" Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Multiplication Arrays Center Games folder cover.
Page Two - Teacher Directions.
Page Three - Go Fish Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Four - Old Maid or "Old Bird!" Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Five - Concentration Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Six- A cute, clip art matching "Math Center" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Math Center Games! If you like, you can place on the wall over your math center it can stay up all year!
Pages Seven and Eight - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Nine and Ten - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have the matching arrays for the multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Eleven and Twelve - Two different Student Recording Sheets. One with the multiplication problems already on it, perfect for limited time or for differentiation within your groups. The other page has space for your students to write the problems and the answers, with the first one on the sheet already printed as an example and labeled as "Example."
Pages Thirteen and Fourteen - The two different Answer Keys for the two different Student Recording Sheets.
Pages Fifteen To Twenty-Six - ** BONUS FILE ** Added in May 2022 Twelve Pages of my Newly Revised Letter - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This new letter is my FREE gift to all my teacher friends for all that you do for our students! Please note ~ These extra 12 pages ARE NOT included in the total page count on TpT's description page.
{This letter is in all four resources, but it is NOT included in the total page count.}
Cute Owl Themed Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource:
Page One - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. "Arrays Multiplication Center Games" Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Multiplication Arrays Center Games folder cover.
Page Two - Teacher Directions.
Page Three - Go Fish Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Four - Old Maid or "Old Owl!" Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Five - Concentration Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Six- A cute, clip art matching "Math Center" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Math Center Games! If you like, you can place on the wall over your math center it can stay up all year!
Pages Seven and Eight - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Nine and Ten - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have the matching arrays for the multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Eleven and Twelve - Two different Student Recording Sheets. One with the multiplication problems already on it, perfect for limited time or for differentiation within your groups. The other page has space for your students to write the problems and the answers, with the first one on the sheet already printed as an example and labeled as "Example."
Pages Thirteen and Fourteen - The two different Answer Keys for the two different Student Recording Sheets.
Pages Fifteen To Twenty-Six - ** BONUS FILE ** Added in May 2022 Twelve Pages of my Newly Revised Letter - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This new letter is my FREE gift to all my teacher friends for all that you do for our students! Please note ~ These extra 12 pages ARE NOT included in the total page count on TpT's description page.
{This letter is in all four resources, but it is NOT included in the total page count.}
Wonderful Pirate Monkeys Themed Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource:
Page One - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. "Arrays Multiplication Center Games" Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Multiplication Arrays Center Games folder cover.
Page Two - A cute, clip art matching "Math Center" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Math Center Games! If you like, you can place on the wall over your math center it can stay up all year!
Page Three - A NEW "Math Center" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Math Center Games! If you like, you can place on the wall over your math center it can stay up all year! I found this new clip art and just wanted to add another page for your files, the two new monkey pirates are adorable! You and your students will love them!
Page Four - Teacher Directions.
Page Five - Go Fish Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Six - Old Maid or "Old Monkey!" Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Seven - Concentration Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Pages Eight and Nine - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Ten and Eleven - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have the matching arrays for the multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Twelve and Thirteen - Two different Student Recording Sheets. One with the multiplication problems already on it, perfect for limited time or for differentiation within your groups. The other page has space for your students to write the problems and the answers, with the first one on the sheet already printed as an example and labeled as "Example."
Pages Fourteen and Fifteen - The two different Answer Keys for the two different Student Recording Sheets.
Pages Sixteen To Twenty-Seven - ** BONUS FILE ** Added in May 2022 Twelve Pages of my Newly Revised Letter - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This new letter is my FREE gift to all my teacher friends for all that you do for our students! Please note ~ These extra 12 pages ARE NOT included in the total page count on TpT's description page.
{This letter is in all four resources, but it is NOT included in the total page count.}
Wonderful Pirate Monkeys Themed Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource:
Page One - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. "Arrays Multiplication Center Games" Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Multiplication Arrays Center Games folder cover.
Page Two - Teacher Directions.
Page Three - Go Fish Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Four - Old Maid or "Old Bird!" Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Five - Concentration Student Directions page, perfect to place in the center folder or staple up above the math center on the wall.
Page Six- A cute, clip art matching "Math Center" sign, put it on the front of a folder and then place it at your Math Center. If space is limited, your students can take this folder to their seat or a spot on the floor, to play the Math Center Games! If you like, you can place on the wall over your math center it can stay up all year!
Pages Seven and Eight - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Nine and Ten - 24 center game cards. 22 of the cards have the matching arrays for the multiplication problems and two cards have the cute matching clip art to use with multiple games.
Pages Eleven and Twelve - Two different Student Recording Sheets. One with the multiplication problems already on it, perfect for limited time or for differentiation within your groups. The other page has space for your students to write the problems and the answers, with the first one on the sheet already printed as an example and labeled as "Example."
Pages Thirteen and Fourteen - The two different Answer Keys for the two different Student Recording Sheets.
Pages Fifteen To Twenty-Six - ** BONUS FILE ** Added in May 2022 Twelve Pages of my Newly Revised Letter - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This new letter is my FREE gift to all my teacher friends for all that you do for our students! Please note ~ These extra 12 pages ARE NOT included in the total page count on TpT's description page.
{This letter is in all four resources, but it is NOT included in the total page count.}

- Use one page as a game board, cut the other page. Place all those cards face down. Have the students turn over one card at a time, solve and place face up on the board. If they are incorrect, the card returns to the bottom of the pile. The winner is the student who places the final card. OR, for a "no winner" version, the goal is for the students to solve the cards independently, but to completely cover the board together. This version can ALSO be played two ways. One way is with the answer page as the game board, another way is with the math problem page as the game board instead.
- You can also play this game with cutting all the cards and matching up the problems with the solutions.
- For movement, place the problem cards around the room and the student(s) have to solve the math problem and leave the correct answer card at that location. Have a second student check the answers to extend the game.
- Mix all the cards together, with two students, deal 5 cards to each student and then place the remaining cards face down. Use as a Go Fish card game!
- Lay all the cards upside down on the floor and use as a Concentration (some call it Memory) Game!
- Mix all the math cards together, and add only ONE bird card. With two students, deal 5 cards to each student and then place the remaining cards face down. Use as an Old Maid or "Old Bird" card game!
Download this Multiplication Arrays Center Games Bundle to use in your class TODAY!

This Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource Bundle is also PERFECT for...
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Concentration
- Match Game
- Go Fish
- Scoot and Read the Room Games! Keep them all up and moving!
- Math Center Assignments
- Fine Motor Skills Work
- Small Math Group Lessons
- Math Workstations
- Morning Work Worksheet
- Clip Board Work Time
- Seat Work
- Indoor Recess
- Homework Packets
- Morning Work Tubs
- Independent Practice
- Early Morning Staggered Arrival Students
- Early Finishers
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Math Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Early Morning Tutoring
- Indoor Recess
- And so much more!
This Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource Bundle is so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!

To Recap ~ This Multiplication Arrays Center Games Resource Bundle Includes:
- Four Sets of 48 Playing Cards
- Four Different Teacher Direction Page
- Four Sets 3 Student Directions Pages
- Four Different Teacher Folder Cover Page
- Five Different Student Folder Cover Page
- 2 Student Recording Worksheet Pages {Same set in all four resources.}
- 2 Answer Key Pages {Same set in all four resources.}
- A 12 page Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas Letter for Your Classroom!

Common Core State Standards
Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is also known. (Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can be found by 3 × 5 = 15, then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2 = 10, then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one can find 8 × 7 as 8 × (5 + 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.)
Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers.

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