Getting class time for your students to review and study their vowels and vocabulary words can be challenging, but you will LOVE the 121 coloring pages that come in this Long Vowels and Short Vowels Coloring Book Pages Resource! Add it to your plans to compliment any Long Vowels and Short Vowels Unit! Terrific for a daily coloring page OR have a parent volunteer bind them into a LONG VOWELS AND SHORT VOWELS COLORING BOOK for your students.

Your students will ADORE these coloring pages because of the cute, cute, cute Long Vowels and Short Vowels graphics! Your students can also draw in a Long Vowels and Short Vowels background and write about their coloring book page on the back. Use these coloring pages for all sorts of jumping off points for older students to use during their Long Vowels and Short Vowel lessons!
Add it to your plans to compliment any Long Vowels and Short Vowels Unit! Download these 121 Long Vowels and Short Vowels Coloring Book Pages for some INSTANT Long Vowels and Short Vowels Coloring Joy in your home or classroom!

* Free apps change frequently, please search Google Play or the Apple Store for current coloring pages apps.

Short Vowels Coloring Pages Descriptions
Short a Words
Page 1 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a hat with a flower and is for the word hat.
Page 2 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a lady's purse and is for the word bag.
Page 3 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a jar of strawberry jam with the strawberry label on the front and is for the word jam.
Page 4 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a notepad and is for the word pad.
Page 5 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a cute cat and is for the word cat.
Page 6 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has an adorable rabbit and is for the word rabbit.
Page 7 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a fan and is for the word fan.
Page 8 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a funny looking rat and is for the word rat.
Page 9 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a frowning young lady and is for the word sad.
Page 10 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a treasure map where X marks the spot and is for the word map.
Short e Words
Page 11 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a comfy bed and is for the word bed.
Page 12 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a young lady dripping from head to toe and is for the word wet.
Page 13 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a couple getting married and is for the word wed.
Page 14 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a wonderful veterinarian giving a dog a check up at her office and is for the word vet.
Page 15 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a net and is for the word net.
Page 16 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a little girl with her cat. This page is perfect for a double meaning vocabulary lesson.... The girl is "petting" her cat, to pet, and the cat is her "pet" and this page is for the word pet.
Page 17 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has 3 men and is for the word men.
Page 18 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a jet, a plane, and is for the word jet.
Page 19 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a hen and is for the word hen.
Page 20 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a dog begging and is for the word beg.

Short i Words
Page 21 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a dog and a bone is he is digging up the yard!!! This page is for the word dig.
Page 22 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a pig and is for the word pig.
Page 23 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a young lady and is for the word kid.
Page 24 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a bowl of salsa, salsa, and a chip! It is for the word dip.
Page 25 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a baby's big saying "feed me now" with a cute little baby and is for the word bib.
Page 26 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a little girl sitting "crisscross applesauce" and is for the word sit.
Page 27 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a safety pin and is for the word pin.
Page 28 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has 2 peaches and the one cut in half has an arrow pointing to the pit. It is for the word pit.
Page 29 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a doctors kit with medical supplies and is for the word kit.
Page 30 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a ocean scene with a sunset and a shark swimming just under the water, an arrow points to his fin and is for the word fin.
Short o Words
Page 31 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has an ear of corn and is for the word cob.
Page 32 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a little girl sobbing and is for the word sob.
Page 33 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a log and is for the word log.
Page 34 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has an adorable fox and is for the word fox.
Page 35 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has 2 trees with mist all around them and is for the word fog.
Page 36 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a cot and is for the word cot.
Page 37 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a top and is for the word top.
Page 38 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a fishing rod and is for the word rod.
Page 39 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a burglar running away with a bag of money and is for the word rob.
Page 40 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a cooking pot and is for the word pot.
UPDATED Page 51 - I have updated this resource by adding a new short vowel coloring "dog" page. Enjoy!
Short u Words
Page 41 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a school bus and is for the word bus.
Page 42 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a rug and is for the word rug.
Page 43 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a nut and is for the word nut.
Page 44 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a nun and is for the word nun.
Page 45 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a mug with a bright, smiling happy face and is for the word mug.
Page 46 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a smiling pig splashing around in a puddle of mud and is for the word mud.
Page 47 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a hut and is for the word hut.
Page 48 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a piece of paper and scissors cutting the paper and is for the word cut.
Page 49 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page has a tea cup and saucer and is for the word cup.
Page 50 - This Short Vowel Coloring Page is one of my FAVORITES and it has a little baby bear cub and is for the word cup.
Long Vowels Coloring Pages Descriptions
Long a Words
Page 1 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little girl and is for the word play.
Page 2 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a dog with an arrow to his tail and is for the word tail.
Page 3 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a cat and is for the word stray.
Page 4 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a snake and is for the word snake.
Page 5 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little girl with an arrow to her braid and is for the word braid.
Page 6 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has cake, candles, and a party hat and is for the word birthday.
Page 7 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little boy, and he is working with clay and is for the word clay.
Page 8 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a thunder cloud and rain and is for the word rain.
Page 9 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a beach pail and is for the word pail.
Page 10 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a cart full of hay is for the word hay.
Page 11 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little boy dancing with wiggly lines beside him to help your students know that this is for the word sway.
Page 12 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has and adorable ape and is for the word ape.
Page 13 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has the cutest baby and is for the word baby.
Page 14 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has an acorn and is for the word acorn.
Long e Words
Page 15 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has an adorable bee and is for the word bee.
Page 16 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a wedge of cheese on a plate and is for the word cheese.
Page 17 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has an adorable jeep and is for the word jeep.
Page 18 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a sheep and is for the word sheep.
Page 19 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a great beach scene and is for the word beach.
Page 20 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a seal and is for the word seal.
Page 21 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a queen and is for the word queen.
Page 22 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a donkey and is for the word donkey.
Page 23 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a tree and is for the word tree.
Page 24 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little girl writing in her journal and she is dreaming of a present and it is for the word dream.
Page 25 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a turkey and is for the word turkey.
Page 26 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a boy with his mop and is for the word clean.
Page 27 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a tea kettle and an arrow pointing to the steam and is for the word steam.
Page 28 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has 2 cute children shaking hands and is for the word meet.
Long i Words
Page 29 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a fast food restaurant container of French Fries and is for the word fries.
Page 30 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a lion and is for the word lion.
Page 31 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a pie and is for the word pie.
Page 32 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has an ice cream cone and is for the word ice cream.
Page 33 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has 2 children fighting over a teddy bear and is for the word fight.
Page 34 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a delicious slice of pie and is for the word slice.
Page 35 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little boy tied up with rope and is for the word tied.
Page 36 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a beautiful, happy bird and is for the word flight.
Page 37 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a student with a helmet and school supplies riding a bike and is for the word bike.
Page 38 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page is one of my FAVORITES! It has a student and he has a ribbon on his chest and is holding up a paper that says A+. It is for the word tried.
Page 39 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little boy working in his journal and is for the word write.
Page 40 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a little girl with a pretty kite and is for the word kite.
Page 41 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has two children standing next to a big alarm clock and is for the word time.
Page 42 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has an island scene and is for the word island.

Long o Words
Page 43 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a cute goat and is for the word goat.
Page 44 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a coat and is for the word coat.
Page 45 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a garden pot full of flowers and a garden hose with an arrow point to the hose and is for the word hose.
Page 46 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has 3 roses and is for the word roses.
Page 47 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a bone and is for the word bone.
Page 48 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a liquid soap dispenser and has bubbles all around it! It is for the word soap.
Page 49 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a large rainbow over a cloud and is for the word rainbow.
Page 50 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a crow and is for the word crow.
Page 51 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a kangaroo and her baby joey, and is for the word joey.
Page 52 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has an adorable little girl dressed for winter and she is so proud of the snowman she just created! This page is for the word snowman.
Page 53 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a happy, smiling coach and is for the word coach.
Page 54 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a boy pulling a dog on a sled and they are both bundled up for winter! It is for the word rode.
Page 55 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a boy in a boat and is for the word row.
Page 56 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page is one of my FAVORITES! It has a FUNKY robot and is for the word robot, he is smiling and your students will love him!
Long u Words
Page 57 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a bottle of glue and is for the word glue.
Page 58 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a unicycle and is for the word unicycle.
Page 59 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a fireman rescuing an adorable cat out of a tree and is for the word rescue.
Page 60 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a tube of tooth paste and a toothbrush and is for the word tube.
Page 61 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a box of tissues and is for the word tissue.
Page 62 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a vacuum and is for the word vacuum.
Page 63 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a juice box with a straw and is for the word juice.
Page 64 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a gas pump with the word fuel and is for the word fuel.
Page 65 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a magnifying glass & footprints and is for the word clue.
Page 66 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a bowl of a variety of fruit and is for the word fruit.
Page 67 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has 2 children singing and one is shaking one a maracas and this page is for the word music.
Page 68 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a ship and is for the word cruise.
Page 69 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a two children dressed up as western cowboys and the are ready for a duel. This is for the word duel.
Page 70 - This Long Vowel Coloring Page has a men's dress suit and is for the word suit.

Print all the pages and bind together for your students and / or Fast Finishers to have an independent Long Vowel and Short Vowels Coloring Book at their desk for any downtime.

This Long Vowels and Short Vowels resource is ALSO part of the following bundles:
- Fall Coloring Pages Bundle Printable Distance Learning
- Coloring Pages For An Entire Year Big DISCOUNTED Bundle!
- A reading center book
- Home packet for remediation
- Substitute teacher folders
- Fine motor skills work
- Indoor recess
- Morning work
- Emergency sub tubs
- Rewards
- Homework packets
- Art centers
- Watercolor painting
- Story starters
- Fast finishers
- Early morning students
- After school tutoring
- Church groups
- Boy scout meetings
- Girl scout meetings
- And so much more!

Pre-K to First Grade
- Use a coloring page as morning work to work on fine motor skills.
- Place a coloring page at a center to work on fine motor skills.
- Coloring pages are great story starters.
- Staple one or more coloring pages into your weekly homework packet for a little at home fun and joy!
- Staple all the coloring pages together for a literacy center writing journal where the students can write on the back of the left page about the picture on the right side.
Second Grade to Fifth Grade
- Coloring Pages are PERFECT for INDOOR RECESS!
- Use a coloring page as a reward for your students weekly homework packet being turned in on time.
- Use a coloring page as a story starter.
- Use a coloring page on Fun Friday if everyone finished their work on time.
- Staple one coloring page into your weekly homework packet for a little fun and joy at home!
- Staple 5 to 10 coloring pages together for a treasure box coloring book prize.
More Coloring Pages Are Also Available:
- Coloring Pages For An Entire Year - Big DISCOUNTED Bundle
- First Semester Bundle of Fall Coloring Pages - 700+ Pages of Coloring Book Fun
- Second Semester Bundle of Winter, Spring and Summer Coloring Pages - 530+ Pages of Coloring Book Fun
- Fall Coloring Pages - A Four Pack Coloring Book Bundle
- October Coloring Pages - A Four Pack Coloring Book Bundle
- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, & Christmas Coloring Pages - A Four Pack Coloring Book Bundle
- February Coloring Pages - A Four Pack Coloring Book Bundle
- Spring Coloring Pages - A Four Pack Coloring Book Bundle
Terrific for your Emergency Sub Tub for morning work, let the substitute teacher have a few minutes to read your plans while the children color!
Terrific Teacher Feedback
- Mallory F. said: These are so fun- kids love them as morning work!
- Lori D. said: Love your Color For Fun Activities!
- David K. V. said: Coloring IS fun! Especially when you are learning at the same time! Thank you!
*** Teacher Feedback Idea for My Coloring Pages ***
Regina shares a great idea, let your student PAINT these!
How fun Regina, thank you for sharing!
Terrific Teacher Feedback
Regina Phelps, "These were amazing!!!!! The kids loved coloring and painting them through out the week and really enjoyed the characters."
♥♥♥Thank you Regina for such great feedback!♥♥♥
The possibilities are endless!
TO RECAP ~ This resource has 10 pages for each short vowel, a, e, i, o, and u. AND 14 pages for each long vowel, a, e, i, o, and u. 121 pages total!
UPDATED 11/10/21 - I have updated this resource by adding a "dog" page for short o. Enjoy!
Long a Words
play, tail, stray, rain, hay, snake, braid, pail, ape, birthday, clay, sway, baby, and acorn
Long e Words
bee, cheese, jeep, sheep, beach, seal, queen, donkey, tree, dream, turkey, clean, steam, and meet
Long i Words
fries, island, lion, pie, ice cream, fight, slice, tied, flight, bike, tried, write, kite, and time
Long o Words
goat, coat, hose, roses, bone, soap, rainbow, crow, joey, robot, snowman, coach, road, and row *** UPDATED 11/10/21 - I have updated this resource by adding a "dog" page for short o. Enjoy!
Long u Words
glue, unicycle, rescue, tube, tissue, vacuum, juice, fuel, clue, fruit, music, cruise, duel, and suit
Short a Words
hat, bag, jam, pad, cat, rabbit, fan, rat, sad, and map
Short e Words
bed, wet, wed, vet, net, pet, men, jet, hen, and beg
Short i Words
dig, pig, kid, dip, bib, sit, pin, pit, kit, and fin
Short o Words
cob, sob, log, fox, fog, cot, top, rod, rob, and pot
Short u Words
bus, rug, nut, nun, mug, mud, hut, cut, cub, and cup

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