My goal this year is to take my older resources from 2008 -2010 and really bring them up to some amazing standards. I'm starting first with my spelling units that I used for YEARS! Being a Navy Wife, as we moved and I had to change schools, I learned that some schools gave you the moon and stars and some schools expected you to make everything yourself.
I love teaching spelling by using word family rules, the students learned how to spelling the words quickly and retained that knowledge in their writing documents! If your district has a set spelling unit for the year, these are also perfect for WORD WORK time! I you own this resource please download it again for all the new pages, activities, and center time fun! If not, it is 40% off for the next two days!
Week One Introduce the -og word family and create a one week take home spelling packet. Have your spelling test on Friday.
Week Two Create a classroom packet with five or more activities for your spelling / literacy center.
Week Three Create a classroom packet with five or more DIFFERENT activities for your word work center as a spiral review of the -og word family.
Week Four Create a classroom packet with five or more DIFFERENT activities for your morning work as a spiral review of the -og word family.
Week Five You can use individual pages for your writing centers, word work centers, art centers, read to someone center, and so much more!
Finding time to incorporate spelling into your day can be challenging. You will LOVE this LOW PREP, PRINT AND GO Weekly Spelling Unit for the -og Word Family. This enormous bundle of engaging spelling sheets allow your students to complete their weekly spelling and word work activities in engaging ways. You will not have to worry about planning your spelling seat work, homework or literacy center work again!
This -og Word Family Spelling Lists and Weekly Spelling Unit has an adorable "FROG" theme. Almost every page has a cute piece of Froggy Clip Art to help you, the teacher, as well as the students, to quickly identify any lost pages in the classroom as part of this Frog Themed -og Word Family Unit! This 99 page resources contains so many different and differentiated engaging activities that your students will not be bored with the many selections! I know it will give you many years of use and I also hope it will bring your students some joy as they master each week’s spelling skill.
Also included in the resource is a student classroom packet cover, use it with five activities of your choice and staple it together to help keep the students organized during the week. Perfect for a volunteer to create for you. Use this packet as morning work or center work, or for even more practice, use five activities at your center and five additional activities for seat work. With 160 pages, you will have plenty to pick and choose from each year depending on your students’ abilities
One side note, if there is a star in the upper corner of the page, I have marked it as one of the easier assignments. It might have a word bank, or no lines, but just because it is marked with a star, you can still use the different varieties of one example for different weeks & your students will already know how to do the skill of the activity, but feel like it is different and a change, because of the different layout of the page.
The -og Word Family Resource Includes:
Pages 1 to 5: Table of Contents
Page 6: Lesson Plan Ideas
Page 7: Blank Page for Personal Teacher Use, Maybe a Letter Home, Maybe a Weekly Thematic Sign at Your Front Door!
Page 8: Teacher Folder Cover
Page 9: Student Homework Packet Cover
Page 10: Student Classroom Packet Cover, Perfect for Literacy Centers, Seat Work, or Morning Work
Page 11: Take Home Spelling List
Page 12: Traceable Take Home Spelling List
Page 13: Student Fill-In Take Home Spelling List
Page 14: Three Take Home Spelling List to Cut Apart for Agendas
Page 15: Traceable Three Take Home Spelling List to Cut Apart for Agendas
Page 16: Spelling Pre-Test with Handwriting Lines
Page 17: Spelling Post-Test with Handwriting Lines
Page 18: Spelling Test with Handwriting Lines
Page 19: Spelling Pre-Test with No Handwriting Lines
Page 20: Spelling Post-Test with No Handwriting Lines
Page 21: Spelling Test with No Handwriting Lines
Page 22: Draw a Picture with Word Bank
Page 23: Draw and Label a Picture with Word Bank
Page 24: Write a Story with Word Bank
Page 25: Back of Page for a Larger Story with Word Bank
Page 26: Write a Story with Handwriting Lines with Word Bank
Page 27: Back of Page for a Larger Story with Handwriting Lines with Word Bank
Page 28: Write Sentences with Word Bank
Page 29: Back of Page for More Room to Write Sentences
Page 30: Write Sentences with Handwriting Lines with Word Bank
Page 31: Back of Page for More Room to Write Sentences with Handwriting Lines with Word Bank
Page 32: Color Words Neatly
Page 33: Crazy Colors ABC Order
Page 34: Crazy Colors Mixed Order
Page 35: Crazy Colors Write Your Own Words with Word Bank
Page 36: Crazy Colors Write Your Own Words
Page 38: The -og Word Family Writing and Tracing “OG” with Bubble Words
Page 38: The -og Word Family Writing and Tracing “OG” with Word Bank
Page 39: The -og Word Family Writing and Tracing “OG”
Page 40: Create Your Own Word Search with 6 Words
Page 41: Create Your Own Word Search with 9 Words
Page 42: Say It – Spell It
Page 43: Rainbow Words with Word Bank
Page 44: Rainbow Words
Page 45: Flash Cards with Words
Page 46: Flash Cards to Complete
Page 47: Comic Strip with Word Bank
Page 48: Comic Strip
Page 49: Organizational Divider “Resources with Answer Keys”
Page 50: ABC Order with Word Bank
Page 51: ABC Order Answer Key
Page 52: Friends Word Matching with Word Bank
Page 53: Friends Word Matching Answer Key
Page 54: Friends Word Matching
Page 55: Friends Word Matching Answer Key
Page 56: Mixed Up Fun with Word Bank
Page 57: Mixed Up Fun Answer Key
Page 58: Mixed Up Fun
Page 59: Mixed Up Fun Answer Key
Page 60: Incorrect / Correct Spelling Ice Cream Fun
Page 61: Incorrect / Correct Spelling Ice Cream Fun Answer Key
Page 62: Word Search
Page 63: Word Search Answer Key
Page 64: Organizational Divider “Resources with Teacher Examples”
Page 65: Roll – Spell – Write Game Example
Page 66: Roll – Spell – Write Game with Word Bank
Page 67: Roll – Spell – Write Game
Page 68: Fancy Letters Example
Page 69: Fancy Letters with Word Bank
Page 70: Fancy Letters Example
Page 71: Fancy Letters
Page 72: Three Times Each Example
Page 73: Three Times Each with Word Bank
Page 74: Three Times Each Example
Page 75: Three Times Each
Page 76: Rhyme Time Example
Page 77: Rhyme Time
Page 78: Mixed Up Fun Scramble Fun Example
Page 79: Mixed Up Fun Scramble Fun with Word Bank
Page 80: Mixed Up Fun Scramble Fun Example
Page 81: Mixed Up Fun Scramble Fun
Page 82: Consonants & Vowels ABC Order Example
Page 83: Consonants & Vowels ABC Order
Page 84: Consonants & Vowels with Student Example
Page 85: Consonants & Vowels Mixed Order Example
Page 86: Consonants & Vowels Mixed Order
Page 87: Consonants & Vowels Mixed Order with Student Example «
Page 88: Let’s Write a Letter Example
Page 89: Let’s Write a Letter with Word Bank
Page 90: Let’s Write a Letter
Page 92: Let’s Write a Letter with Word Bank
Page 90: Let’s Write a Letter
Page 93: Create a Post Card Example
Page 94: Create a Post Card with Word Bank
Page 95: Create a Post Card
Page 96: Hidden Words Picture Example
Page 97: Hidden Words Picture with Word Bank
Page 98: Hidden Words Picture
Page 99: TOU
One tip I really want to share with you is that I liked to send the spelling list and spelling homework packet home on Fridays. Was I assigning weekend homework? NOPE! But with many single adult homes and dual working parents, I found that having the list early helped to get an adult involved in helping our students to study. If the child wanted to do the homework packet over the weekend, even better. I have included a student spelling homework packet cover with the cute, themed clip art to help your students remain organized.
Terrific for an Emergency Sub Tub or Homework!
This Spelling Activities | Spelling Unit The -og Word Family Resource is perfect for...
- A Fast Finishers Workbook
- Literacy Center Assignments
- Small Literacy Group Lessons
- Literacy Workstations
- Morning Work Worksheet
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Clip Board Work Time
- Seat Work
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Homework Packets
- Morning Work Tubs
- Independent Practice
- Early Finishers
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Literacy Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Early Morning Arrival Students
- Early Morning Tutoring
- Small Reading Group Lessons
- Reading Center Assignments
- Morning Reading Buckets
- And so much more!
Common Core State Standards
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Associate the long and short sounds with the common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.

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