One of my favorite ideas is to put the center cover sheet on a 3-prong
notebook and store the task cards and recording sheets inside the notebook. If you want to make it a self-checking center, you can place the answer key
inside the notebook too. This allows the center to move WITH the students,
to different areas in the classroom, especially handy if you have flexible
This bundle is available as two separate resources too. So if you only
need something for the standard, 4.NBT.B.5, the purple Spring Double Digit
Task Card Set
is for you!4.NBT.B.5 states - Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole number, and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
This bundle is available as two separate resources too. So if you only need something for the standard, 3.OA.A1, the blue Spring Single Digit Multiplication Task Card Set is for you!
3.OA.A.1 states - Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
Each Task Card Set Comes With a Task Card Cover Center Sign.
Perfect for an assessment grade for the week.
***Add some rigor and fun to your math class with these Spring task
Print them on colored paper to save ink, but still add a touch of color to
your lesson!
Tonight's Joke for Tomorrow's Students!

Answer: It was too light!
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