If you are looking for a resource for phonics remediation while still giving your students some confidence by reviewing important literacy skills, you will love this series. You will love the no prep, print and go ease of these TWENTY-FIVE Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resources for your class.
This Color By Code Long Vowels Bundle includes 25 pages for introducing or reviewing long vowels by focusing only on a FEW Long Vowel Words per page.
What are Long Vowel Words? Long vowel is the term used to refer to vowel sounds whose pronunciation is the same as its letter name. Long Vowel Words are an essential skill to master in First Grade. Students need to be able to know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds. These twenty-five pages have only a few color selections and only a few Long Vowel Words, to help your students focus on the repetitive pattern of sounds of Long Vowel Words. All the while giving your students a fun and exciting review of important literacy skills at the same time!
With the 25 Answer Keys also included, this helps you quickly and efficiently check your students work in a very short amount of time. Cute and colorful, they would make a wonderful addition to your student work bulletin board or to their home refrigerator "art museum" while having some Long Vowel Word Fun learning and reviewing important skills at the same time!
** Additional Important Information **
In this resource, I have no long a words on the human's skin or hair, allowing your students to select any color. The directions read, "You pick the color for any empty area." This feature is a real hit with my teacher buyers!
This Long Vowel Words Reading Resource Bundle Includes:
* Five Teacher Folder Center Cover
* Five Long a Pages
* Five Long e Pages
* Five Long i Pages
* Five Long o Pages
* Five Long u Pages
* Twenty-Five Answer Keys
The Long a Vowel Words Included in this Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource:
Page One is a Folder Cover. This page is a bright, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by code folder cover.
Page Two - data, baby, lady, paper, hazy, & table
Page Three - bake, cane, lace, maze, name, & page
Page Four - rake, rate, safe, take, tape, & wage
Page Five - aid, bait, fail, rain, sail, & vain
Page Six - bay, day, jay, pay, say, & tray
The pages have similar words, so the students have to focus...
Is it t-a-k-e? or Is it t-a-p-e? Is it r-a-k-e? or Is it r-a-t-e?
The Long e Vowel Words Included in this Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource:
Page One is a Folder Cover. This page is a bright, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by code folder cover.
Page Two - even, evil, ego, Egypt, equal, and evening
Page Three - compete, delete, gene, heal, these, and theme
Page Four - beak, beam, pea, read, sea, and team
Page Five - bean, bee, each, feed, knee, and peek
Page Six - peel, reel, seen, speed, teeth, and three
The pages have similar words, so the students have to focus...
Is it b-e-a-k? or Is it b-e-a-m? Is it p-e-e-l? or Is it r-e-e-l?
The Long i Vowel Words Included in this Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource:
Page One is a Folder Cover. This page is a bright, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by code folder cover.
Page Two - item, ivory, idea, idol, iron, and pilot
Page Three - bike, dime, fine, hire, hive, and kite
Page Four - life, mice, nice, pike, rise, and tile
Page Five - fight, high, light, night, sigh, and tight
Page Six - cried, die, dried, lie, pie, and tried
The pages have similar words, so the students have to focus...
Is it h-i-r-e? or Is it h-i-v-e? Is it d-i-e? or Is it l-i-e?
The Long o Vowel Words Included in this Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource:
Page One is a Folder Cover. This page is a bright, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by code folder cover.
Page Two - bonus, focus, hotel, robot, total, and omit
Page Three - bone, code, dome, home, joke, and mole
Page Four - nose, pole, robe, tone, vote, and woke
Page Five - oak, boat, coat, goal, load, and road
Page Six - bow, row, mow, own, tow, and low
The pages have similar words, so the students have to focus...
Is it r-o-w? or Is it m-o-w? Is it b-o-a-t? or Is it c-o-a-t?
The Long u Vowel Words Included in this Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource:
Page One is a Folder Cover. This page is a bright, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by code folder cover.
Page Two - bugle, cupid, duty, human, music, and unit
Page Three - cube, cute, dude, duke, fuse, and huge
Page Four - chute, duty, fluke, flute, student, and uniform
Page Five - June, mule, mute, rule, rude, and tube
Page Six - clue, blue, due, glue, Sue, and tune
The pages have similar words, so the students have to focus...
Is it c-u-b-e? or Is it c-u-t-e? Is it m-u-l-e? or Is it m-u-t-e?
This Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource BUNDLE Is Also Included in this BUNDLE:
This Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource BUNDLE Includes:
These high interest black and white printables are great for seat work, homework, small group work, substitute teacher folders, sub tubs, the possibilities are endless!
The Long a Words Color By Code Worksheets Includes:
Page One - This Long a Words Color By Code is a Teacher Folder Cover. This page is a cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by number folder cover.
Page Two - This Long a Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long a Words Only. This Long a Words Color By Code page features an adorable little boy dressed as a super hero just waiting for your students to color his long a words while focusing only on the following words: data, baby, lady, paper, hazy, & table.
Page Three - This Long a Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long a Words Only. This Long a Words Color By Code page features a sweet smiling little boy just waiting for your students to study their long a words with him while focusing only on the following words: bake, cane, lace, maze, name, & page.
Page Four - This Long a Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long a Words Only. This Long a Words Color By Code page features a sweet, silly little girl ready for your students to color her long a words while focusing only on the following words: rake, rate, safe, take, tape, & wage.
Page Five - This Long a Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long a Words Only. This Long a Words Color By Code page features a non-scary pirate boy happy to have your students color his long a words while focusing only on the following words: aid, bait, fail, rain, sail, & vain.
Page Six - This Long a Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long a Words Only. This Long a Words Color By Code page features a cute pumpkin and bat just ready to take your students deep into the study of long a words while focusing only on the following words: bay, day, jay, pay, say, & tray.
Pages Seven to Eleven - Answer Keys
Pages Twelve to Twenty-Three - NEW REVISION ADDED on February 2021
A new letter from me - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This 12 page letter is included in each of the FIVE Short Vowel CVC Words Resources, but IT IS NOT included in the total page count on the TpT Description of this Bundle.
The Long e Words Color By Code Worksheets Includes:
Page One - This Long e Words Color By Code is a Teacher Folder Cover. This page is a cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by number folder cover.
Page Two - This Long e Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long e Words Only. This Long e Words Color By Code page features an adorable little boy splashing in puddles just waiting for your students to color his long e words while focusing only on the following words: even, evil, ego, Egypt, equal, and evening.
Page Three - This Long e Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long e Words Only. This Long e Words Color By Code page features a sweet, smiling little girl flying in the air in a cute super hero outfit just waiting for your students to study their long e words with her while focusing only on the following words: compete, delete, gene, heal, these, and theme.
Page Four - This Long e Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long e Words Only. This Long e Words Color By Code page features a non-scary pirate boy happy to have your students color his long e words while focusing only on the following words: beak, beam, pea, read, sea, and team.
Page Five - This Long e Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long e Words Only. This Long e Words Color By Code page features a smiling, little boy dressed as Frankenstein happy to have your students color his long e words while focusing only on the following words: bean, bee, each, feed, knee, and peek.
Page Six - This Long e Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long e Words Only. This Long e Words Color By Code page features a cute pot of gold for your students to study long e words while focusing only on the following words: peel, reel, seen, speed, teeth, and three.
Pages Seven to Eleven - Answer Keys
Pages Twelve to Twenty-Three - NEW REVISION ADDED on February 2021
A new letter from me - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This 12 page letter is included in each of the FIVE Short Vowel CVC Words Resources, but IT IS NOT included in the total page count on the TpT Description of this Bundle.
The Long i Words Color By Code Worksheets Includes:
Page One - This Long i Words Color By Code is a Teacher Folder Cover. This page is a cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by number folder cover.
Page Two - This Long i Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long i Words Only. This Long i Words Color By Code page features an adorable little Leprechaun dancing around with rainbows and shamrocks just waiting for your students to color his long i words while focusing only on the following words: item, ivory, idea, idol, iron, and pilot.
Page Three - This Long i Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long i Words Only. This Long i Words Color By Code page features a sweet, smiling little boy dressed as a vampire just waiting for your students to study their long i words with him while focusing only on the following words: bike, dime, fine, hire, hive, and kite.
Page Four - This Long i Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long i Words Only. This Long i Words Color By Code page features a sweet, smiling little girl dancing in a cute super hero outfit just waiting for your students color her long i words while focusing only on the following words: life, mice, nice, pike, rise, and tile.
Page Five - This Long i Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long i Words Only. This Long i Words Color By Code page features a smiling, little girl happy to be flying her flag and have your students color her long i words while focusing only on the following words: fight, high, light, night, sigh, and tight.
Page Six - This Long i Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long i Words Only. This Long i Words Color By Code page features a cute pirate parrot for your students to study long i words while focusing only on the following words: cried, die, dried, lie, pie, and tried.
Pages Seven to Eleven - Answer Keys
Pages Twelve to Twenty-Three - NEW REVISION ADDED on February 2021
A new letter from me - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This 12 page letter is included in each of the FIVE Short Vowel CVC Words Resources, but IT IS NOT included in the total page count on the TpT Description of this Bundle.
The Long o Words Color By Code Worksheets Includes:
Page One - This Long o Words Color By Code is a Teacher Folder Cover. This page is a cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by number folder cover.
Page Two - This Long o Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long o Words Only. This Long o Words Color By Code page features an adorable little girl dressed for Halloween and she's just waiting for your students to color her long o words while focusing only on the following words: bonus, focus, hotel, robot, total, and omit.
Page Three - This Long o Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long o Words Only. This Long o Words Color By Code page features a sweet, smiling little boy dressed as a super hero ready to fly, he is just waiting for your students to study their long o words with him while focusing only on the following words: bone, code, dome, home, joke, and mole.
Page Four - This Long o Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long o Words Only. This Long o Words Color By Code page features a sweet, smiling little girl in a super cute pirate outfit just waiting for your students color her long o words while focusing only on the following words: nose, pole, robe, tone, vote, and woke.
Page Five - This Long o Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long o Words Only. This Long o Words Color By Code page features a smiling, little boy happy to be getting ready to watch the parade in his patriotic outfit and have your students color his long o words while focusing only on the following words: oak, boat, coat, goal, load, and road.
Page Six - This Long o Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long o Words Only. This Long o Words Color By Code page features a cute bunny in a basket excited about getting ready for Easter and having your students to study long o words with him while they only focusing on the following words: bow, row, mow, own, tow, and low.
Pages Seven to Eleven - Answer Keys
Pages Twelve to Twenty-Three - NEW REVISION ADDED on February 2021
A new letter from me - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This 12 page letter is included in each of the FIVE Short Vowel CVC Words Resources, but IT IS NOT included in the total page count on the TpT Description of this Bundle.
The Long u Words Color By Code Worksheets Includes:
Page One - This Long u Words Color By Code is a Teacher Folder Cover. This page is a cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified color by number folder cover.
Page Two - This Long u Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long u Words Only. This Long u Words Color By Code page features an adorable little guy dressed like a Leprechaun and he's just waiting for your students to color his long u words while focusing only on the following words: bugle, cupid, duty, human, music, and unit.
Page Three - This Long u Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long u Words Only. This Long u Words Color By Code page features a sweet, smiling little boy dressed as a super hero flying, he is just waiting for your students to study their long u words with him while focusing only on the following words: cube, cute, dude, duke, fuse, and huge.
Page Four - This Long u Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long u Words Only. This Long u Words Color By Code page features a sweet little boy and girl in super hero outfits just waiting for your students color their long u words while focusing only on the following words: chute, duty, fluke, flute, student, and uniform.
Page Five - This Long u Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long u Words Only. This Long u Words Color By Code page features a smiling, little girl happy to be picking flowers and have your students color her long u words while focusing only on the following words: June, mule, mute, rule, rude, and tube.
Page Six - This Long u Vowels Color By Code Worksheet Resource Works on Identifying Long u Words Only. This Long u Words Color By Code page features a cute pirate parrot on a treasure chest and having your students to study long u words with him while they only focusing on the following words: clue, blue, due, glue, Sue, and tune.
Pages Seven to Eleven - Answer Keys
Pages Twelve to Twenty-Three - NEW REVISION ADDED on February 2021
A new letter from me - An Introduction to Color By Numbers, Task Cards, and Center Game Lessons, Including Math Center Ideas for Your Classroom!
This 12 page letter is included in each of the FIVE Short Vowel CVC Words Resources, but IT IS NOT included in the total page count on the TpT Description of this Bundle.
** Please view the cover, the pictures and the preview file for more details. **
These high interest black and white printables are great for seat work, homework or small group work!
Print all the pages and bind together for your fast finisher students to have a Long Vowel Words workbook.
Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource Lesson Plan Ideas For Each Vowel Family.
Week One - Long a Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource Lesson Plan Ideas:
Monday - Project page 2, long a words, data, baby, lady, paper, hazy, & table, to introduce Color By Code to your class with a step by step direct teacher-led lesson on the overhead document camera. I like to review each color and what word they are assigned to, so for example, "data = red" is colored with a red crayon. Once your students know your procedures, the remaining pages can be used by your students independently. An alternative, based on the ability level of your class, is that this teacher-led lesson can also be completed during your reading small group lesson on Monday.
Tuesday - Use page 3, long a words, bake, cane, lace, maze, name, & page, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Wednesday - Use page 4, long a words, rake, rate, safe, take, tape, & wage, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Thursday - Use page 5, long a words, aid, bait, fail, rain, sail, & vain, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Friday - Use page 6, long a words, bay, day, jay, pay, say, & tray, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time. For a "Fun Friday" let your students use markers, pastels, colored pencils, or watercolor paints today. It may not be perfect, it may be a little messy, but after five days you will have a great understanding and enough documentation to know if your students know their long vowels.
Week Two - Long e Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource Lesson Plan Ideas:
Monday - Project page 2, long e words, even, evil, ego, Egypt, equal, and evening, to introduce Color By Code to your class with a step by step direct teacher-led lesson on the overhead document camera. I like to review each color and what word they are assigned to, so for example, "ego = yellow" is colored with a yellow crayon. Once your students know your procedures, the remaining pages can be used by your students independently. An alternative, based on the ability level of your class, is that this teacher-led lesson can also be completed during your reading small group lesson on Monday.
Tuesday - Use page 3, long e words, compete, delete, gene, heal, these, and theme, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Wednesday - Use page 4, long e words, beak, beam, pea, read, sea, and team, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Thursday - Use page 5, long e words, bean, bee, each, feed, knee, and peek, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Friday - Use page 6, long e words, peel, reel, seen, speed, teeth, and three, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time. For a "Fun Friday" let your students use markers, pastels, colored pencils, or watercolor paints today. It may not be perfect, it may be a little messy, but after five days you will have a great understanding and enough documentation to know if your students know their long vowels.
Week Three - Long i Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource Lesson Plan Ideas:
Monday - Project page 2, long i words, item, ivory, idea, idol, iron, and pilot, to introduce Color By Code to your class with a step by step direct teacher-led lesson on the overhead document camera. I like to review each color and what word they are assigned to, so for example, "ego = yellow" is colored with a yellow crayon. Once your students know your procedures, the remaining pages can be used by your students independently. An alternative, based on the ability level of your class, is that this teacher-led lesson can also be completed during your reading small group lesson on Monday.
Tuesday - Use page 3, long i words, bike, dime, fine, hire, hive, and kite, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Wednesday - Use page 4, long i words, life, mice, nice, pike, rise, and tile, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Thursday - Use page 5, long i words, fight, high, light, night, sigh, and tight, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Friday - Use page 6, long i words, cried, die, dried, lie, pie, and tried, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time. For a "Fun Friday" let your students use markers, pastels, colored pencils, or watercolor paints today. It may not be perfect, it may be a little messy, but after five days you will have a great understanding and enough documentation to know if your students know their long vowels.
Week Four - Long o Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource Lesson Plan Ideas:
Monday - Project page 2, long o words, bonus, focus, hotel, robot, total, and omit, to introduce Color By Code to your class with a step by step direct teacher-led lesson on the overhead document camera. I like to review each color and what word they are assigned to, so for example, "hotel = blue" the word hotel at the top is colored with a blue crayon. Once your students know your procedures, the remaining pages can be used by your students independently. An alternative, based on the ability level of your class, is that this teacher-led lesson can also be completed during your reading small group lesson on Monday.
Tuesday - Use page 3, long o words, bone, code, dome, home, joke, and mole, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Wednesday - Use page 4, long o words, nose, pole, robe, tone, vote, and woke, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Thursday - Use page 5, long o words, oak, boat, coat, goal, load, and road, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Friday - Use page 6, long o words, bow, row, mow, own, tow, and low, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time. For a "Fun Friday" let your students use markers, pastels, colored pencils, or watercolor paints today. It may not be perfect, it may be a little messy, but after five days you will have a great understanding and enough documentation to know if your students know their long vowels.
Week Five - Long u Words Color By Code Worksheet Resource Lesson Plan Ideas:
Monday - Project page 2, long u words, bugle, cupid, duty, human, music, and unit, to introduce Color By Code to your class with a step by step direct teacher-led lesson on the overhead document camera. I like to review each color and what word they are assigned to, so for example, "duty = blue" the word duty at the top is colored with a blue crayon. Once your students know your procedures, the remaining pages can be used by your students independently. An alternative, based on the ability level of your class, is that this teacher-led lesson can also be completed during your reading small group lesson on Monday.
Tuesday - Use page 3, long u words, cube, cute, dude, duke, fuse, and huge, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Wednesday - Use page 4, long u words, chute, duty, fluke, flute, student, and uniform, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Thursday - Use page 5, long u words, June, mule, mute, rule, rude, and tube, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time.
Friday - Use page 6, long u words, clue, blue, due, glue, Sue, and tune, during morning work, reading seat work, reading centers or small group time. For a "Fun Friday" let your students use markers, pastels, colored pencils, or watercolor paints today. It may not be perfect, it may be a little messy, but after five days you will have a great understanding and enough documentation to know if your students know their long vowels.
>>> Terrific for an Emergency Sub Tub or Homework! <<<
These high interest Long Vowel Words Color By Code Worksheets are perfect for...
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Fine Motor Skills Work
- Staggered Arrival Moring Students
- Small Reading Group Lessons
- Reading Workstations
- Indoor Recess
- Clipboard Worksheet Time
- Homework Packets
- Morning Work
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Literacy Buckets
- Literacy Centers
- Early Morning Students
- Small Literacy Group Lessons
- Literacy Workstations
- Morning Reading Buckets
- Reading Centers
- Morning Reading Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Before School Tutoring
- And so much more!
To Recap ~ This TWENTY-FIVE Long Vowels Words Color By Code Worksheets Include:
- Five Teacher Folder Cover
- Five Student Long a Words Color By Code Worksheets
- Five Student Long e Words Color By Code Worksheets
- Five Student Long i Words Color By Code Worksheets
- Five Student Long o Words Color By Code Worksheets
- Five Student Long u Words Color By Code Worksheets
- Twenty-Five Matching Answer Keys for the 25 Student Long Vowels Words Color By Code Worksheets
- * FREE BONUS * Twelve page letter from me with ideas, tips, and lesson plans for using Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! ** Please Note ** This 12 page letter is included in each of the FIVE Long Vowel Words Resources, but IT IS NOT included in the total page count on the TpT Description of this Bundle.
Terrific for your Emergency Sub Tub for morning work, let the substitute teacher have a few minutes to read your plans while the children work on their long vowel words!
Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable words.
Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds.
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See ya' tomorrow,

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