Looking to add some excitement to your center time? These highly engaging alphabet matching center games are quick and easy to prep and can be used for a variety of games, concentration, match game, go fish, gin rummy, scoot, read the room, small group, even perfect for assessments. You can even differentiate your centers for each reading group.
Three ways to play, capital letter matching, little letter matching and matching capital letters to little letters.
Do you have a theme you love? Leave me a comment and I can add that to my TO DO LIST to create for you!

Terrific for an Emergency Sub Tub or a Hands-On Homework!
For a couple of years I've posted student appropriate jokes each school night on Instagram. School has started and my jokes are now if full swing! Many of my teacher friends tell me that they post the jokes in the mornings for their boys and girls to solve. Many assistant principals and principals send me thank you messages because they read them over the morning announcements! However you would like to use them with your school, I would love to hear from you!
I also have them automatically post to my Jokes for Kids Pinterest Boards if you would like to see a collection of them from over the years! Close to 28,000 people follow that board, I would love for you to follow it for your boys and girls too! Enjoy!
Tonight's Joke for Tomorrow's Students
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