When teaching how to round LARGER numbers, it is best to review on the board or digit camera with some practice of rounding two-digit numbers. A perfect introduction is to put four or five students at the board and give them all a similar number, 83, 93, 33, 38, 98, 88, etc. Next, rotate your students up to the board with some three-digit numbers, but continue to only round to the tens.
The students that give you 400, 200, 400, 900, etc. are looking at the "number next to it and then applying 5 and up rounds up, 4 and smaller round down." But they are not understanding what column to look at for their clue, therefore, missing the SKILL, applying only the trick.
By doing this four or five times with different groups of students, you will be able to see who has a real understanding of round numbers and who just knows the "rounding tricks." Your students that need help would be perfect to pull for your remediation, RTI, review, whatever you call your lowest math group, they need a better understanding of place value.
If you need an easier review for rounding numbers, I have a third grade math post with lessons and resources and freebies for rounding to the nearest 10 or nearest 100. Click here to read, review, and download those lessons.
Once you feel that everyone has had a great review and are ready to continue with today's skill, rounding LARGER numbers, let your students have white boards and a marker or a clip board with paper. Teach them a 'quick draw' which is a skill for their mental tool box. Quickly draw an open number line and then put the number they are rounding in the middle. Use 339,404 for example. Then have the students write 300,000 and 400,000 at each end. Have them think, Is 339,404 closer to the 300,000 or the 400,000? They can even erase and write, and erase and re-write the number as many times as they need to move it closer to 300,000 or 400,000.
Review many different examples and if needed, remediate your low group with some place value blocks and then guide them away for the hands-on method to the open number line method.

You will love how easy it is to prepare this 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Center Game and Task Cards Bundle for your class. My students LOVED having Center Games and Task Cards at our Math Centers and your students will too! You can dedicate one of your math centers (math workstations) as a math skill only math center. By changing out the skill each day, each week, or each month, your students already know the directions for using that math center.

Your math center can be placed in a folder with the included folder covers (See my PREVIEW PICTURES) and the student can take the center games and task cards back to their seat if classroom space is limited. Your students will enjoy the freedom of center games and task cards while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! This 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Center Games and Task Card Bundle is also perfect for assessment grades for 4th Grade Math!

Once your students are used to the expectations of using center games and task cards, your math skills math center can run all year with different skills from my TpT Store.
- To view a variety of over 1,500+ of my center games, click here to see all my center games.
- To view a variety of over 700+ of my task cards, click here to see all my task cards.

This Round Numbers Center Game and Task Cards Bundle Contains the Following Resources:

Round Numbers Task Cards
→ 28 Task Cards in color
→ 1 Printable Recording Worksheet
→ 1 Answer Key Sheet
→ 1 Task Card Folder Cover
Round Numbers Center Games
→ 2 Different Types of Center Game Folder Cover
→ One Page Center Game Cards
→ One Page Sorting Mat

When it comes to the ease of prepping this Round Numbers Center Game and Task Cards, all pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or round pumpkin task card, just rectangles with frames and the math problems, perfect for fourth graders!

Common Core State Standard
Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
Purchase and Download this 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Task Cards and Center Games Bundle to USE in your Math Center TODAY!

This Round Numbers Task Cards, Recording Sheet, and Center Games Bundle Resource Is Perfect for...
- Remediation and RTI groups
- Substitute teacher folders
- Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
- Math Workstations
- Indoor recess
- Read the Room Game
- Morning work
- Emergency sub tubs
- Morning Math buckets
- Math centers
- Early morning students
- After school tutoring
- Parent Math Nights
- And so much more!
The Round Numbers Task Cards Part of This Bundle Includes:
Page 1 - Task Card Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Round Numbers Task Cards folder cover. OR Use it as a STUDENT CENTER Folder Cover to store the task cards at your math center or your task card center. Is space limited in your classroom due to health precautions or just because you have a small room? Placing these task cards into a folder with the recording sheets allows your students to take the entire task card center to their seat to do the work.
Pages 2 to 8 - 28 Task cards with the directions, "Round to the place value of the underlined digit."
Page 9 - Recording Sheet for Task Cards 1 to 28.
Page 10 - Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Page.
These Round Numbers Task Cards and Recording Sheet also include the Answer Key, which you can laminate and leave at the center to allow it to be student led, self-checking sheets. In small group lessons you can give each student three to four cards and they can help each other and review the Round Numbers skill by checking the answers that their partner or neighbor answered, keeping everyone involved! Keep your students engaged, alert and on their toes with this one little, cute Round Numbers Resource!
The Round Numbers Center Games Part of This Bundle Includes:
Page One - A colorful cover page stating "Round Numbers" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center.
Page Two - A less colorful cover page, saving you colored ink, stating "Round Numbers" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center.
Pages Three - Twenty-Four center game cards with a number that is underlined. This card is to be sorted onto the sorting mat, with the underlined number rounded up or rounded down.
Four - A sorting mat for the center games cards to be rounded up or rounded down.
Purchase and Download this 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Task Cards and Center Games Bundle to USE in your Math Center TODAY!
This Round Numbers Task Card and Center Game Bundle is ALSO Part of the Following Larger Bundles:
- 4th Grade Math Place Value to One Million Task Cards Bundle - Task Cards Only
- 4th Grade Math Place Value to One Million Center Games Bundle - Center Game Only
- 4th Grade Math Place Value to One Million Task Cards and Center Games Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Year Long Center Games Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Year Long Center Games and Task Cards Bundle
The Center Game and Task Cards are so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!
*>*>*> Need something great for Fourth Grade? Click here to see my 4th Grade Math Year Long FULL BUNDLE. <*<*<*
Details on JUST the Task Cards!

You will love how easy it is to prepare these 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Task Cards and Recording Sheet for your class. My students LOVED Task Cards and your students will too! You can dedicate one of your math centers, math workstations, as a task card center. By changing out the skill each week, your students already know the directions for using the task cards. Your students will enjoy the freedom of task cards while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time!
Students can answer these Round Numbers Task Cards in your classroom math journals or on the included recording sheets. These 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Task Cards are perfect for assessment grades for 4th Grade!
Once your students are use to the expectations of using task cards, your task card math center can run all year with different skills from a variety of over 700+ of my task cards! Click here to see all my task cards.
When it comes to the ease of prepping these Round Numbers Task Cards, all pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or round pumpkin task card, just rectangles with frames and the math problems, perfect for fourth graders!
This Round Numbers Task Cards and Recording Sheet includes:
→ 28 Task Cards in Color
→ 1 Printable Recording Worksheet
→ 1 Answer Key Sheet
→ 1 Task Card Folder Cover
These Round Numbers Task Cards and Recording Sheet also include the Answer Key, which you can laminate and leave at the center to allow it to be student led, self-checking sheets. In small group lessons you can give each student three to four cards and they can help each other and review the Round Numbers skill by checking the answers that their partner or neighbor answered, keeping everyone involved! Keep your students engaged, alert and on their toes with this one little, cute Round Numbers Task Cards Resource!
Common Core State Standard
Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
Purchase and Download this 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Task Cards and Recording Sheet to USE in your Math Center TODAY!
This Round Numbers Task Cards Resource Includes:
Page 1 - Task Card Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Round Numbers Task Cards folder cover. OR Use it as a STUDENT CENTER Folder Cover to store the task cards at your math center or your task card center. Is space limited in your classroom due to health precautions or just because you have a small room? Placing these task cards into a folder with the recording sheets allows your students to take the entire task card center to their seat to do the work.
Pages 2 to 8 - 28 Task cards with the directions, "Round to the place value of the underlined digit."
Page 9 - Recording Sheet for Task Cards 1 to 28.
Page 10 - Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Page.
Round Numbers Task Cards Are Perfect for...
- Remediation and RTI groups
- Substitute teacher folders
- Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
- Math Workstations
- Indoor recess
- Read the Room Game
- Morning work
- Emergency sub tubs
- Morning Math buckets
- Math centers
- Early morning students
- After school tutoring
- Parent Math Nights
- And so much more!
This Round Numbers Task Cards has a Matching Center Games Resource:
This Round Numbers Task Cards Resource is Part of the Following Bundles:
- 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Place Value to One Million Task Cards Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Place Value to One Million Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Year Long Center Games and Task Cards Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Year Long Task Cards Bundle
These Task Cards are so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!

You will love how easy it is to prepare this 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Center Game for your class. My students LOVED Math Centers and your students will too! You can dedicate one of your math centers, math workstations, as a math skill only center. By changing out the skill each week, your students already know the directions for using the math center.
Your math center can be placed in a folder with the folder cover, see my PREVIEW PICTURES and the student can take the center back to their seat if classroom space is limited. Your students will enjoy the freedom of center games while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! This 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Center Game is perfect for assessment grades for 4th Grade Math Chapter 1!
Once your students are used to the expectations of using center games, your math skills math center can run all year with different skills from a variety of over 1,500+ of my center games! Click here to see all my center games.
When it comes to the ease of prepping this Round Numbers Center Game, all pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or round pumpkin task card, just rectangles with frames and the math problems, perfect for fourth graders!
This Round Numbers Center Games Resource Includes:
Page One - A colorful cover page stating "Round Numbers" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center.
Page Two - A less colorful cover page, saving you colored ink, stating "Round Numbers" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center.
Pages Three - Twenty-Four center game cards with a number that is underlined. This card is to be sorted onto the sorting mat, with the underlined number rounded up or rounded down.
Four - A sorting mat for the center games cards to be rounded up or rounded down.
Round Numbers Center Games Resource Is PERFECT For...
• Remediation and RTI groups
• Substitute teacher folders
• Scoot and Read the Room games
• Concentration
• Match Game
• Go Fish
• Assessments
• Fine motor skills work
• Indoor recess
• Morning work
• Emergency sub tubs
• Homework packets
• Math Night with Parents
• Math centers
• Early morning arrival students
• After school tutoring
• Before school tutoring
• And so much more!
This Round Numbers Center Game has a Matching Round Numbers Task Card Set:
This Round Numbers Center Game is Part of the Following Bundles:
- 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Place Value to One Million Center Games Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Place Value to One Million Task Cards and Center Games Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Year Long Center Games Bundle
- 4th Grade Math Year Long Center Games and Task Cards Bundle
Purchase and Download this 4th Grade Math Round Numbers Center Games Resource to USE in your Math Center TODAY!
This Round Numbers Center Games Resource is so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!
A Quick Recap - This Round Numbers Center Games Resource Includes:
* One Full Color Center Game Folder Cover and/or Math Center Sign
* One Minimal Color {Save Your Ink} Center Game Folder Cover and/or Math Center Sign
* One Page Center Game Cards
* One Page Sorting Mat
Common Core State Standard
Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
>>> Need something great for Fourth Grade? <<<
>>> Click here to see my 4th Grade Math Year Long FULL BUNDLE. <<<
>>> Click here to see all of my center games! <<<
>>> Click here to see all of my 4th Grade Math resources!<<<

Print the center game once, then on your school copier make a set for each student. That way you save on your ink. Let each student have one set and one baggie. They can make the center during math rotations and then take it home to review the skill with or without a family member.

* 28 Task Cards
* 1 Recording Sheet
* 1 Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Sheet

This bundle has the following:
Task Cards Include:
* 28 Task Cards
* 1 Recording Sheet
* 1 Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Sheet
Center Game Includes:
* One Page of Problems
* One Answer Mats
* Adorable Center Cover

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