You will LOVE the 68 Back to School Coloring Pages that come in this Back to School coloring pages resource! Terrific for a First Day Activity on The Students' Desk When They Arrive In Your Classroom!
You will LOVE these 68 Back to School Coloring Pages that come in this Back to School coloring pages resource! You can just print one at a time and pass them out OR have a parent volunteer bind them into a BACK TO SCHOOL COLORING BOOK for you to have on the students's desk during the busy, crazy first week of back to school time!
Use these Back to School pages for indoor recess, staggered morning arrivals, early finishers, Meet the Teacher Events, Back to School parties, writing prompts and so much more! Students can draw in a back to school background and write about their new school year on the back of the coloring book page.
Use these coloring pages for all sorts of jumping off points for older students to use during their Back to School creative writing lessons! Add it to your plans to compliment any Back to School Unit!
Download these 68 Back to School Coloring Book Pages for some INSTANT Back to School Coloring Joy in your home or classroom! Pin now for the the busy back to school season!
TWELVE PAGES feature the PEOPLE AT SCHOOL, a wonderful way to introduce your students to coaches, the lunch lady, the principal, etc. Terrific for a daily coloring page and your students will ADORE these coloring pages because of the cute, cute, cute graphics!
- Free apps change frequently, please search Google Play or the Apple Store for current coloring pages apps.
Back to School Coloring Pages Descriptions
Page 1 - Welcome Back! This Back to School coloring page features an enormous school easel with "Welcome Back" sign on it, welcoming students back to school .
Page 2 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a female PRINCIPAL and includes the words "People at School!" and "Principal" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 3 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a male PRINCIPAL and includes the words "People at School!" and "Principal" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 4 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a male TEACHER and includes the words "People at School!" and "Teacher" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 5 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a female TEACHER and includes the words "People at School!" and "Teacher" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 6 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features another female TEACHER and includes the words "People at School!" and "Teacher" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 7 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a NURSE and includes the words "People at School!" and "Nurse" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 8 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a LUNCH LADY and includes the words "People at School!" and "Lunch Lady" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 9 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a LIBRARIAN and includes the words "People at School!" and "Librarian" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 10 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a JANITOR and includes the words "People at School!" and "Janitor" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 11 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a man and female COACH and includes the words "People at School!" and "Coaches" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 12 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a COUNSELOR and includes the words "People at School!" and "Counselor" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 13 - People at School! This Back to School coloring page features a VOLUNTEER and includes the words "People at School!" and "Volunteer" in an open font that your students can color too!
Page 14 - A Welcoming Schoolhouse! This Back to School coloring page features a wonderfully whimsical schoolhouse!
Page 15 - Ready to Go to School! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little boy waiting for the bus with his half-eaten apple and his books, backpack and new school supplies!
Page 16 - School Makes Me Cool! This Back to School coloring page features a fun font with the border and the word "COOL" needing to be colored!
Page 17 - Packed for School! This Back to School coloring page features a cute backpack overflowing with new school supplies!
Page 18 - Ready to Go to School! This Back to School coloring page features an adorable little girl waiting for the bus with her lunch box and a backpack full of new school supplies!
Page 19 - Let's Roll! This Back to School coloring page features a wonderfully whimsical school bus!
Page 20 - Morning Calendar Time! This Back to School coloring page features 2 cute children ready to lead their class with the calendar morning message!
Page 21 - I'm All Packed! This Back to School coloring page features an adorable little girl with a full backpack of supplies ready for the first day of school and waiting for her ride or the school bus!
Page 22 - PE is Fun! This Back to School coloring page features an adorable little boy with a football learning some football skills in PE class!
Page 23 - Owl-ways Be Ready to Read! This Back to School coloring page features the cutest little owl reading a story on the first day back at OWL-SCHOOL!
Page 24 - School is so Cool! This Back to School coloring page features a fun open font with three student's faces and the words "School" & "Cool" needing to be colored!
Page 25 - Excited to Go to School! This Back to School coloring page features a precious, sweet girl excited about the first day of school with her lunch bag, books, and a backpack full of new school supplies!
Page 26 - Circle Time! This Back to School coloring page features seven students all sitting "crisscross - applesauce" in a circle ready to discuss morning meeting, book club, an indoor recess game, any activity.... because they are just so excited to be at school with their friends!
Page 27 - Ready for Recess! This Back to School coloring page features three children playing together and waiting their turn for the swing set at school.
Page 28 - PE is a Great Place to Learn How to Jump Rope! This Back to School coloring page features an adorable little girl jumping rope, happy and smiling on the first day of school!
Page 29 - Study 'till You're Nutty! This Back to School coloring page features a stack of books, an apple, and a whimsical sign staying to Study 'till You're Nutty!
Page 30 - Pick Me! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little girl with her hand up waiting for the teacher or another student to pick her for the answer!
Page 31 - Snack Time! This Back to School coloring page features a little boy, sitting at his desk, quietly and calmly eating his snack on the first day of school.
Page 32 - So Excited! This Back to School coloring page features a little boy sitting and waiting his turn, happy on the first day of school.
Page 33 - Social Studies Time! This Back to School coloring page features a little girl at her desk with paper, pencil and a globe, ready to learn about the World!
Page 34 - Owl-ways Ready to Write! This Back to School coloring page features the cutest little owl ready to write a story about his summer on the first day back at OWL-SCHOOL!
Page 35 - D.E.A.R! This Back to School coloring page features the sweetest student with a book at their desk and they are ready to Drop Everything And Read!
Page 36 - Morning Message! This Back to School coloring page features two cute little boy students high-fiving each other ready for Morning Message. "Morning" is in an open font to be colored too and the O is a SUN! Cute, cute, cute!
Page 37 - Reading is Fun! This Back to School coloring page features two students on a rug at a bookcase and they are both reading with the text, "Reading is fun!"
Page 38 - Packed for School! This Back to School coloring page features a cute little student with his backpack overflowing with new school supplies and he is ready for the day!
Page 39 - Shhhhhhh! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little Classroom Helper with her finger at her lips, perfect for modeling hallway behavior or
classroom listening time! The words, "Classroom Helper" are down the side with an open font also giving the students more things to color on this page, while learning the words, classroom and helper.
Page 40 - Reading Small Group Time! This Back to School coloring page features two students sitting with their teacher at a U-shaped table ready to work on their guided reading lessons and they are just so excited to be at school and learning!
Page 41 - Carnival Time! This Back to School coloring page features two children working the Ticket Booth at the School Carnival, and they are just so excited to be at the school carnival with their friends!
Page 42 - Time For Science! This Back to School coloring page features a student at their desk with paper, pencil, a magnifying glass and a plant, ready to learn about the Science!
Page 43 - Time For Computers! This Back to School coloring page features a student at their desk ready to get to work learning about the computer on the first day of school!
Page 44 - I'm Listening! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little Classroom Helper with his head by his ear, perfect for modeling classroom listening behavior! The words, "Classroom Helper" are down the side with an open font also giving the students more things to color on this page, while learning the words, classroom and helper.
Page 45 - Time For Breakfast! This Back to School coloring page features two students at a table eating a breakfast of cereal, banana, milk, yogurt and a muffin. Perfect for teaching on the first day of school about expected behavior in the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch too!
Page 46 - Time For Art! This Back to School coloring page features a student at an easel painting a picture. Perfect for showing the expected behavior for paint supplies, in Art Class or during your center time.
Page 47 - Time For Drawing! This Back to School coloring page features a student at her desk, ready to draw or write a story, OR both! So cute!
Page 48 - Passing Out Supplies! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little Classroom Helper passing out classroom supplies, calmly and quietly, perfect for modeling classroom walking with supplies behavior! The words, "Classroom Helper" are down the side with an open font also giving the students more things to color on this page, while learning the words, classroom and helper.
Page 49 - Pick Me! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little boy with his hand up waiting for the teacher or another student to pick him for the answer!
Page 50 - So Excited! This Back to School coloring page features a little girl sitting and waiting her turn, happy on the first day of school.
Page 51 - We All Work Together to Keep Our Classroom Clean! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little Classroom Helper throwing away his trash, calmly and quietly, perfect for modeling classroom walking behavior! The words, "Classroom Helper" are down the side with an open font also giving the students more things to color on this page, while learning the words, classroom and helper.
Page 52 - Recess! This Back to School coloring page features a little girl playing hopscotch, happy to be outside and happy on the first day of school!
Page 53 - Time For Music! This Back to School coloring page features two students with music notes and an instrument happy and singing in Music Class!
Page 54 - Award Time! This Back to School coloring page features a little boy holding his paper with an A+ on it and he is wearing an award ribbon for a job well-done!
Page 55 - Rug Time! This Back to School coloring page features a cute little students sitting "crisscross - applesauce" on the circle rug ready to learn on the first day of school!
Page 56 - Time For Drawing! This Back to School coloring page features a student at his desk, ready to draw or write a story, OR both! So, so cute!
Page 57 - Teacher's Helper! This Back to School coloring page features a sweet little Classroom Helper with a teacher! The words, "Classroom Helper" are down the side with an open font also giving the students more things to color on this page, while learning the words, classroom and helper.
Page 58 - Everybody Loves a Story! This Back to School coloring page features three students sitting "crisscross - applesauce" with their teacher. She is reading them a story on the first day of school! Perfect to teach expectations of how to listen to an adult or student reading to them.
Page 59 - Owl-ways Be Ready With Your Pencil! This Back to School coloring page features a great big owl with his glasses on, a No. 2 pencil, and he's ready for the first day back at OWL-SCHOOL!
Page 60 - Make New Friends! This Back to School coloring page features two students with their crayons, ready to draw and color on the first day of school!
Page 61 - Time For Lunch! This Back to School coloring page features two students at a table eating a lunch of soup, apples, milk, a sandwich, and grapes. Perfect for teaching on the first day of school about expected behavior in the cafeteria for lunch and breakfast too!
Page 62 - Time For Math! This Back to School coloring page features a student at her desk, ready to work on what 1 + 1 equals!
Page 63 - Morning Message! This Back to School coloring page features two cute little girl students high-fiving each other ready for Morning Message. "Morning" is in an open font to be colored too and the O is a SUN! Cute, cute, cute!
Page 64 - Read to Self! This Back to School coloring page features a student in her chair with a book, modeling "Read to Self" with the text on the coloring page too. Perfect for a classroom poster or reminder of the expected behavior when a student reads to themselves.
Page 65 - Read to Someone! This Back to School coloring page features two students in their chairs, EEKK, Elbow, Elbow, Knee, Knee with a book, modeling "Read to Someone" with the text on the coloring page too. Perfect for a classroom poster or reminder of the expected behaviors when two, or more, students read to someone.
Page 66 - Listen to Reading! This Back to School coloring page features a student on the floor with a book and headsets modeling "Listen to Reading" with the text on the coloring page too. Perfect for a classroom poster or reminder of the expected behavior when a student listens to a book on any type of device.
Page 67 - Work on Writing! This Back to School coloring page features a student in her chair with a pencil, modeling "Work on Writing" with the text on the coloring page too. Perfect for a classroom poster or reminder of the expected behavior when a student is writing independently.
Page 68 - Spelling / Word Work Time! This Back to School coloring page features a little boy standing and spelling out the word, "boy" while modeling "Spelling / Word Work" with the text on the coloring page too. Perfect for a classroom poster or reminder of the expected behavior when a student is working independently on spelling or word work.
Print all the pages and bind together for your students to have an independent Back to School coloring books at their desk for any downtime.
This Back to School resource is ALSO part of the following bundles:
- Back to School Coloring Pages and Apples Coloring Pages Bundle
- Back To School Coloring Pages and Cute Students Coloring Pages Bundle
- Fall Coloring Pages - 218 Pages for Fall - Four Pack Coloring Book Bundle
- Fall Coloring Pages Big DISCOUNTED Bundle!
- Coloring Pages For An Entire Year Big DISCOUNTED Bundle!
These Back to School Coloring Pages are perfect for...
A Back to School Coloring Book Gift
A Back to School party treat
Substitute teacher folders
Fine motor skills work
Indoor recess
Morning work
Emergency sub tubs
Homework packets
Art centers
Watercolor painting
Story starters
Fast finishers
Early morning students
After school tutoring
Church groups
Boy scout meetings
Girl scout meetings
And so much more!

*** Back to School Coloring Pages for Your Classroom Students or Personal Children! ***
Pre-K to First Grade
- Use a coloring page as morning work to work on fine motor skills.
- Place a coloring page at a center to work on fine motor skills.
- Coloring pages are great story starters.
- Staple one or more coloring pages into your weekly homework packet for a little at home fun and joy!
- Staple all the coloring pages together for a literacy center writing journal where the students can write on the back of the left page about the picture on the right side.
Second Grade to Fifth Grade
- Coloring Pages are PERFECT for INDOOR RECESS!
- Use a coloring page as a reward for your students weekly homework packet being turned in on time.
- Use a coloring page as a story starter.
- Use a coloring page on Fun Friday if everyone finished their work on time.
- Staple one coloring page into your weekly homework packet for a little fun and joy at home!
- Staple 5 to 10 coloring pages together for a treasure box coloring book prize.
This Back to School resource is part of these bundles to save you time and money!

Terrific for your Emergency Sub Tub for morning work, let the substitute teacher have a few minutes to read your plans while the children color!
Terrific Teacher Feedback
Jennifer J. said: These were perfect for beginning kindergarten!
Kimberly Schneider said: This was a great way to help do our guided discovery of art tools as we added them to our tables during the first week of school. It also was fun to use them each day as we met our new specialists.
Michelle J. said: Perfect for the first day of school...I love all of your coloring packets! Thank you so much!
*** Teacher Feedback Idea for My Coloring Pages ***
Regina shares a great idea, let your student PAINT these!
How fun Regina, thank you for sharing!
Regina Phelps said, "These were amazing!!!!! The kids loved coloring and painting them through out the week and really enjoyed the characters."
♥♥♥Thank you Regina for such great feedback!♥♥♥
The possibilities are endless!

For a couple of years I've posted student appropriate jokes each school night on Instagram. School has started and my jokes are now if full swing! Many of my teacher friends tell me that they post the jokes in the mornings for their boys and girls to solve. Many assistant principals and principals send me thank you messages because they read them over the morning announcements! However you would like to use them with your school, I would love to hear from you!
I also have them automatically post to my Jokes for Kids Pinterest Boards if you would like to see a collection of them from over the years! Close to 28,000 people follow that board, I would love for you to follow it for your boys and girls too! Enjoy!
Tonight's Joke for Tomorrow's Students
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