I've got your back with three different Color By Number Multiplication resources just for Christmas Multiplication and the different stages & levels that your class might need during December!
You will love the no prep, print and go ease of this Christmas Color By Number Multiplication Facts, the One to Ten Times Tables. Your students will also adore these Christmas Color by Number Multiplication worksheets while learning and reviewing important multiplication skills at the same time!
This Christmas Multiplication Color By Number resource for the ONE to TEN MULTIPLICATION FACTS is perfect for the countdown to Christmas in your classroom! Each page has only one skill, for example, Nine Times Tables is the cute as can be gingerbread girl! The gift box below, is all about the Three Times Tables!
WAYS TO USE THESE WORKSHEETS IN YOUR CLASSROOM: Morning work, seat work, Early Finishers, homework, math centers, small group, RTI pull out, tutoring, after school clubs, indoor recess, missing school work bundle, substitute teacher pages, the possibilities are endless!

As always, answer keys are included!

This multiplication resource is a Christmas bundle:

This Christmas math resource includes:
TEN student printables and TEN answer keys for the Multiplication Facts One to Ten with a FUN Christmas Math Theme!
If You would rather buy the separate Christmas resources, here are more pictures and links for you.
You will love the no prep, print and go ease of this Christmas Color By Number Multiplication Facts, the One to Five Times Tables. Five pages, one for each day of the week! Your students will also adore these Christmas Color by Number Multiplication worksheets while learning and reviewing important multiplication skills at the same time!

Five student printables and FIVE answer keys for the Multiplication Facts One to Five with a FUN Christmas Math Theme!

You will love the no prep, print and go ease of this Christmas Color By Number Multiplication Facts, the Six to Ten Times Tables. Five pages, one for each day of the week! Your students will also adore these Christmas Color by Number Multiplication worksheets while learning and reviewing important multiplication skills at the same time!

Five student printables and FIVE answer keys for the Multiplication Facts Six to Ten with a FUN Christmas Math Theme!
*** Terrific for an Emergency Sub Tub or December Homework! ***
These are the old covers, just in case you have bookmarked or pinned them for this busy season!
Christmas Fun! Multiplication Facts One to Ten - Color By Number Printables for Christmas! Perfect for the countdown to Christmas in your
classroom! This Christmas Math bundle contains the following two resources:
TEN No Prep Christmas Math Printables and TEN Answer Keys that can be used for your math center, small group, RTI pull out, seat work or homework.

Tonight’s Joke For Tomorrow’s Students
What is red and white and falls down chimneys?
ANSWER: Santa Klutz!
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