Rewrite Two Digit Subtraction
Are you working on the multiple ways to write subtraction problems? Here are some tips, resources and lessons to help you introduce and reinforce rewriting 2-digit subtraction.
1. Introduce on the board or with your digital camera...
82 - 64 =
2. Explain when working with regrouping, we find it easier to write the problems in this format.
82 |
- 64 |
Also explain that students and adults alike are less likely to make mistakes when writing it this way.
3. Solve or have a student solve your example.
4. Continue with more examples as needed.
* Common mistakes to look for in student work, writing the digits in the incorrect column, for example, 46 in this problem instead of 64.
If you have not used graph paper in your classroom yet, I HIGHLY recommend getting some now. Your students will love working with something new, especially if you tell them they'll use it a lot in middle school or junior high school! It will help keep the tens in one column and the ones in another, until they can transition to any blank paper.
I have four resources in my store to help you teach, reinforce and review rewriting 2-digit subtraction problems.
2nd Grade Go Math 5.7 Rewrite 2-Digit Subtraction Bundle
These task cards, color by number worksheets and center game is perfect for any math series if you are teaching the standard, "Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. Read further to see what comes in each individual resource, but is bundled in this resource for a discounted price.
2nd Grade Go Math 5.7 Rewrite 2-Digit Subtraction Task Cards
Task Cards Include:
12 Task Cards
1 Recording Sheet
1 Answer Key
Click here to see all of my task cards!
12 Task Cards
1 Recording Sheet
1 Answer Key
Click here to see all of my task cards!
FIVE printables that are made to be an additional resource for any math series. Use them for your math center, RTI pull out, seat work, small group lessons, or homework. FIVE answer keys are also included.
These high interest black and white printables are great for seat work, homework or small group work.
Click here for ALL my Color By Numbers / Color By Code Resources!
This center game is slightly different than most of my Quick and Easy to Prep Centers, it has TWO different answer sets. ONE ANSWER CARD set has no answer and THE OTHER ANSWER CARD set has the answers. Play by matching problem card to answer card, OR problem card to answer card with NO ANSWER, OR.... play by matching up all three cards. 1. Problem Card 2. Answer Card with NO answer and 3. Answer Card With Answer.
This math resource includes:* Two pages of problem and answer cards * Adorable Cover for the center* Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Sheet
Terrific for an Emergency Sub Tub, Math Centers, Small Group Work, Remediation RTI or Homework!
Click here to see all my best selling center games.
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The post DO YOU TEACH REWRITING TWO DIGIT SUBTRACTION PROBLEMS? appeared first on Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas.
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