I want to say thank you to all the teachers out there, day in and day out you give it 100%. Now more than ever, I know you are tired as you prepare your classrooms and lessons for the busy back to school year season in addition to your home and family responsibilities too! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ♥
I've been on TpT for over 16 years now and I have a wide range of resources for a wide range of Elementary School grade levels. It brings me great joy to read my feedback from other teachers and how they used my resources in their classroom. How much their children enjoyed them, how much they learned from them, and how much easier the teacher's life was because she could spend more time with their family and friends instead of spending the time to try and create the needed resources for their students.
Quick Links:
♥ Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ♥

My coloring book pages are just what you need to add some joy and fine motor skills back into your classrooms. Students can't hold a crayon or pencil? I know, and it is getting worse each incoming year. Using coloring pages for a few minutes each morning adds joy to their day and lets you have five minutes to take attendance and lunch count. Click here to read my blog about why we need to allow 5 and 6 year olds time to color in school again.
Direct Links to Each Month's Coloring Pages
Direct Links to Each Month's Coloring Pages
I have so many Color By Numbers and Color By Codes in my store. It was one of my very favorite things growing up. I was not artistic but I loved math with a passion. Color by Numbers allowed me to practice basic math facts yet still have some creative time coloring. Click here for my blog post with some ideas on how to turn this math time resource into a craft center.
Direct Links to Each Pictured Individual Resources
1. Fall Addition and Subtraction Color By NumbersDirect Links to Each Pictured Individual Resources
2. Halloween Addition and Subtraction Color By Numbers
3. Thanksgiving Addition and Subtraction Color By Numbers
4. Christmas Mixed Addition and Subtraction Color By Numbers
5. The Twelve Days of Christmas Addition and Subtraction Color By Numbers
6. Christmas Polar Express Addition and Subtraction Color By Numbers
7. Winter Addition and Subtraction Color By Numbers
8. Crazy Trolls Addition and Subtraction Color By Numbers
* More Color By Number Pages Sorted By Best Selling

I have so many Color By Numbers and Color By Codes in my store. It was one of my very favorite things growing up. I was not artistic but I loved math with a passion. Color by Number Worksheets allowed me to practice basic math facts yet still have some creative time coloring. Click here for my blog post with some ideas on how to turn this math time resource into a craft center.
Direct Links to Each Pictured Individual Resources
Direct Links to Each Pictured Individual Resources
My Kindergarten Alphabet Clip Cards were a joy to make and my students loved them as we worked on our alphabet. I've created these clip cards for all the months and many different kindergarten themes. That way you can continue to use them with your different reading group levels as the year moves forward.
These clip cards come with four different versions so that you can differentiate the literacy centers in your classroom.
1. Uppercase Letters Matching Uppercase Letters2. Lowercase Letters Matching Lowercase Letters
3. Matching Uppercase Letters to Their Lowercase Letters and
4. Matching Lowercase Letters to Their Correct Uppercase Letter.
Direct Links to Each Month's Bundles
1. September Alphabet Clip Cards
2. October Alphabet Clip Cards
3. November Alphabet Clip Cards
4. December Alphabet Clip Cards
5. January Alphabet Clip Cards
6. February Alphabet Clip Cards
7. March Alphabet Clip Cards
8. April Alphabet Clip Cards
9. May Alphabet Clip Cards
10. Nonseasonal Alphabet Clip Cards
* More Kindergarten Alphabet Clip Cards
These clip cards come with three different versions so that you can differentiate the literacy centers in your classroom.
1. Uppercase Letters Matching Uppercase Letters
2. Lowercase Letters Matching Lowercase Letters
3. Matching Uppercase and Lowercase Letters Together.
Direct Links to Each Month's Bundles
1. September Alphabet Matching Cards
2. October Alphabet Matching Cards
3. November Alphabet Matching Cards
4. December Alphabet Matching Cards
5. January Alphabet Matching Cards
6. February Alphabet Matching Cards
7. March Alphabet Matching Cards
8. April Alphabet Matching Cards
9. May Alphabet Matching Cards
10. Nonseasonal Alphabet Matching Cards
* More Kindergarten Alphabet Matching Cards
Click Here to See My Second Grade Bundles
Direct Links to Each Second Grade Math Bundle
I have created many resources to compliment your math series! Being a Navy Wife and moving many times, I found that I was spending so much of my small group instruction trying to teach that district's math series' center games, for the children to only play it one or two more times... instructional time and center time was wasted on "how to play the center" compared to the good solid math skills in the center. I've created Task Cards, Math Center and Color By Numbers that all follow the same patterns. That way you can explain the directions and routines at the beginning of the year and then your students will learn and reinforce their math skills all year. Did you get a new student? Let your other students show them how to play while you continue to get in some excellent small group time.
Direct Links to Each Second Grade Math Bundle
I have created many resources to compliment your math series. Being a Navy Wife and moving many times, I found that I was spending so much of my small group instruction trying to teach that district's math series' center games, for the children to only play it one or two more times... instructional time and center time was wasted on "how to play the center" compared to the good solid math skills in the center. I've created Math Centers, Task Cards, and Color By Numbers that all follow the same patterns for third grade math standards. That way you can explain the directions and routines at the beginning of the year and then your students will learn and reinforce their math skills all year. Did you get a new student? Let your other students show them how to play or complete the seat work while you continue to get in some excellent small group time!
Direct Links to Each Third Grade Math Best Seller
Direct Links to Each Third Grade Math Best Seller
Click Here to See My Fourth Grade Math Bundles
Once I created all my 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade math resources, by request, I started on 4th Grade. Fourth Grade has always been one of my favorite grade. They are old enough to work independently at centers, yet they are still very loving, adore their teacher and enjoy coming to school. Even in 4th Grade, that small group time is so important, as your range of students' abilities become more extreme. For most of 4th Grade I've only created task cards and center games, moving away for the Color By Numbers. However, I do still have many Seasonal Multiplication and Division Color by Codes, click here to see them sorted by best sellers.
Direct Links to Each Third Grade Math Best Seller
Click Here to See More of My Fourth Grade Math Bundles

Click Here to See More I Have, Who Has? Cards
Click Here to See More I Have, Who Has? Card Games
Click Here to See More I Have, Who Has? Card Games

Click Here to See More I Have, Who Has? Cards
My students LOVED I Have, Who Has? Games and your students will too! You will love how easy it is to prepare these I Have Who Has Games for your class. You can play it with your whole class or in small groups. In small group lessons you can give each student three to four cards and everyone is involved REPEATEDLY! Keep your students alert and on their toes for a fast round of I Have, Who Has? and you will not only be reviewing important skills, but bring joy and fun to your lesson. The teacher answer key is included so you OR A STUDENT HELPER, can follow along and help the class when one student is stuck!
Direct Links to the Pictured I Have, Who Has? Cards
Direct Links to the Pictured I Have, Who Has? Cards
Direct Links to the Pictured I Have, Who Has? Cards
Also, my new products are always 40% off for 48 hours.

***All my new products on TpT are 40% off for 48 hours.***
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