Why do we teach understanding place value?
Our students need to understand what the two digits of a number mean in terms
of ones and tens. They also need to be able to explain their thinking of how they came up
with answers to questions about larger and smaller numbers.
An Introductory Lesson for Place Value of Two Digit Numbers
Give your students whiteboards or scrap paper. Write 36 and 63 on the board or overhead camera. Ask your students to explain to a partner the difference in these two numbers. Quote, "Since they have the same digits aren't they the same?"
You can use Base Ten Blocks and when your students are ready, you can start using a quick draw method of DOTS and STICKS. The students can draw what 36 and 63 might look like.

After teaching third grade Math for years, I would stress to my students, during the state standardized tests, you can't pull out Base Ten Blocks, Counters, Snap Cubes, etc.... but with the allowable scrap paper, you can recreate these items quickly if you need help to work out a problem. I love DOTS and STICKS, it takes no time at all to draw.
Come back together and discuss the difference. If you've followed my blog for awhile, you know that I love to use money to relate to real world math... 7 and 8 year olds just love money! Ask your class what would they rather have, $36 or $63? Follow up by discussing that place value MATTERS!
Give your students time to work and discuss more examples.
54 and 45 ~ 92 and 29 ~ 16 and 61
If time and to extend your lesson, allow them to create pairs for each other to work out.
This lesson is a great review for a transition into greater than or less than later in the year.
When your done with your lessons, I have some great resources for small group time, centers, seat work or as a spiral review when you move to chapter two.
FIVE printables that are made to be an additional resource for any math
series. Use them for your math center, RTI pull out, seat work, small
group lessons, or homework. FIVE answer keys are also included.
These Task Cards Include:
12 Task Cards
1 Recording Sheet
1 Answer Key
12 Task Cards
1 Recording Sheet
1 Answer Key
These highly engaging center games are quick and easy to prep and can be
used for a variety of games, concentration, match game, go fish, gin
rummy, scoot, read the room, self checking, even perfect for
assessments. Once your students play with this deck, many of my other
Quick and Easy to Prep centers can be used for different skills and
seasons. Your center time will run smoothly and with very little prep
from you! Second Grade Go Math Chapter One Lesson 1.3 Understanding
Place Value - A Quick and Easy to Prep Math Center Game!
This math center game resource includes:
* Two pages of problem and answer cards
* Adorable Cover for the center
* Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Sheet
* Two pages of problem and answer cards
* Adorable Cover for the center
* Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Sheet
Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Sheet Included

The post, Lessons and Resources for Understanding Place Value first appeared on Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas.
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