Lessons For Teaching "Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add"
Breaking a 2-digit or larger number apart, or ungrouping the number, is a strategy that helps students see the value in place value. The tens place is not just a 4. It’s value is 40 or 4 tens. The more mental math tips that students have in their tool kit of skills, the easiest each step of the harder math skills become.
One of the best ways to each this strategy is with base ten blocks. I
teach my students a "banking method" I'm taking a ten and I'm going to
the bank and returning with 10 ones. It is a lot of fun to model it in
the beginning, taking your ten piece and walking over to another table
to trade it out for 10 ones. Later as they are practicing and reviewing
this skill by themselves, it is wonderful to hear, "I'm taking these
three hundreds to the bank..."
I like base ten blocks that are all one color, that way the students
don't get confused with trading "red" for "green" instead of the skill of
trading ones for tens. The above picture is a wonderful set at
Amazon that are magnetic for your
board or an independent center.
Students can roll their dice at the same time and the winner is the one
with highest number. They can play to ten points, or if you have a few
minutes before lunch or dismissal, play the lightening round... winner
needs two wins. By having the students check each other's dice, there is
more mental math going on in a short period of time.

More Matching Resources for Your Lessons
For each unit, I stick to one color to make it easier for the teacher to
make, sort and store the lessons each year. For each section of the lesson
I try to use the same adorable student clip art. That way, indirectly, the
children know the task cards, the color your answers printables and the
center games are all focusing on the same skill.

Finding class time during the day to allow students to work on
reviewing the math skills you have taught can be challenging! But
knowing those skills quickly will help your students master the harder
math skills ahead of them! You will love the low prep, print and go
ease of this 3rd Grade Go Math 1.6 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center
Games, Color By Number, and Task Cards Bundle for your class.
These Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Games, Color By Number, and Task Cards Bundle also include the answer keys. You can laminate the answer keys for the task cards and leave at the center to allow it to be student led, self-checking sheets. In small group lessons you can give each student three to four task cards and they can help each other and review the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Skill by checking the answers that their partner or neighbor answered, keeping everyone involved! Keep your students engaged, alert and on their toes with this one little, cute Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Skill Resource! Place the Color By Number Answer Keys at your center for a Student Self-Checking Sheet too! OR place it in a folder in a different location that they may go check once they show you, or a classroom helper, the completed worksheet.
Once your students are used to the expectations of using center
games and task cards, your math skills math center can run all
year with different skills from my TpT Store.
The 14 Page Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Color By Numbers Includes:
This 3rd Grade Go Math 1.6 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Games, Color By Number, and Task Cards Bundle is Perfect for...
Page 1 - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add task cards folder cover. Page 2 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" Pages 3 to 11 - 36 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Task Cards. The task cards state, "Solve" above the problem that reinforces the Break Apart Strategy to Add. Page 12 - Recording Sheet. Page 13 - Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Page Page 14 - Teacher Folder In Grayscale - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add task cards folder cover. Page 15 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" in Grayscale, print on colored paper to save colored ink and to really make your sign POP! Pages 16 to 24 - 36 Estimate Sums Task Cards in a black and white outlined style of clip art. The first two task cards on every page focuses only on estimating for ten and the last two task cards on every page focuses only on estimating for hundred. This way you can differentiate your class by giving a few cards to your lowest group, more cards to your average group, and all the cards to your highest group, but everyone will still get experience with rounding to nearest ten and rounding to the nearest hundred while estimating sums. Pages 25 to 36 -
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! ** PLEASE NOTE ** This BONUS FILE appears in all the resources in this bundle, but the 12 pages are not included in the TpT description page listing of number of pages. COLOR BY NUMBER:
Page One - A cover page stating "Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a folder cover for your students, give them a file folder with this cover and they can keep all the student sheets in the file folder to work on during math centers, morning work, or as a fast finisher activity. You can take a large piece of construction paper, 12 inches X 18 inches, fold it in half and use that as a "File Folder" to hold your students' work too.
One of my favorite uses for this cover page is to use it as a workbook cover and staple the other six pages with it, perfect for a Fast Finisher book! Page Two - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has a cute little boy and an adorable little girl on this solve and color page. Students solve the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page and then use the Color Code to color it in. A fun idea is to have the students do the math during morning work, and then they can use color pencils, markers, water color paint, etc. to color by code during math center time or seat work time. Page Three - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has a cute little teddy bear reading a book and enjoying a nice warm drink in his pumpkin mug on this solve and color page. Students solve the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page and then use the Color Code to color it in. Another fun idea is to have the students do the math for homework, and then they can use color pencils, markers, water color paint, etc. to color by code during their math morning work time! Page Four - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page is one of my very favorites! It has a cute little dog with his doggie bowl and a big WOOF to color too! Students solve the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems and then use the code box to color their answers! Page Five - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page. When your student is done solving these problems, there is also a little girl and a fancy border that they can color for fun! Page Six - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page. When your student is done solving these problems, there is also a little boy in the corner that they can color for fun! Page Seven - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has 10 COMPLEX Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems. There are underlined spaces to help your students to remember and do all the steps involved with adding two 3-digit numbers. This page is perfect for an end of the week, end of the skill, assessment. Pages Eight to Thirteen - Six Answer Keys Page Fourteen - Weekly Lesson Plan Ideas and Suggestions Pages Fifteen to Twenty-Six -
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! ** PLEASE NOTE ** This BONUS FILE appears in all the resources in this bundle, but the 12 pages are not included in the TpT description page listing of number of pages.
Lesson Plan Ideas For The Color By Number Pages:
Monday - Use pages 5 or 6, as a Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add pre-assessment. Plan your small groups for the week around the data from this and your other observations. Tuesday - Use page 5, the 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add math problems that break the 3-digit number down using their place value skills as morning work. Depending on the level of your boys and girls, they can complete the page alone, in pairs, or in a group. You can have the answer key on the board so that they are copying the correct answers as a very basic, low math level activity. OR Once the boys and girls are done, you, or a student, can project the answer key, covering up the problems and call them out one at a time, while revealing the answer.
* During math rotations, use page 2, a cute little boy and an adorable little girl solve and color page to review Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add during your student seat work time. Wednesday - Use page 6, the 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add math problems that break the 3-digit number down using their place value skills as morning work. Depending on the level of your boys and girls, they can complete the page alone, in pairs, or in a group. You can have the answer key on the board so that they are copying the correct answers as a very basic, low math level activity. OR Once the boys and girls are done, you, or a student, can project the answer key, covering up the problems and call them out one at a time, while revealing the answer.
* During math rotations, use page 3, the cute little teddy bear reading a book solve and color page to review Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add during your student seat work time. Thursday - During morning work, classwork, small group instruction, or seat work, have the students complete pages 5 & 6 copied front to back, the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add pages as a review. You can have the students self-correct the page or peer sharing to review and come to a final answer together, all sorts of review possibilities.
OR PLAN B - Just give one of the pages from 5 and 6, (the easier page) Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add pages as a final assessment.
* During math rotations, use page 4, the cute little dog with his doggie bowl solve and color page to review Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add during your student seat work time. Friday - Use page 7, the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add page that has 10 problems as a final assessment. Weekly Homework - You can use any and all of these pages as your weekly homework review, they are completely student self-directed so you will not have any problems or concerns with parents that are unable to help their children with this assignment. Win-Win for everyone!
Page One - A cover page stating "Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center. Multiple uses with just this one, colorful, inviting page! Page Two - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the math problems. Page Three - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the answers. Page Four - A Student Directions page, perfect to place in a center folder, a center Ziploc baggie, or staple up above the math center on the wall. The bottom of the page also includes Teacher Directions too! Page Five - A cute, matching clip art sign stating "Math Center" to place on the wall over your math center, and if you like, it can stay up all year! Or to place on a folder to identify a movable, portable math center if your class space is limited! Page Six - A black and white version of Page One - A cover page stating "Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center. Multiple uses with just this one, adorable, inviting page! Perfect for a Math Night Take Home Center Game!
Page Seven - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the math problems in a black and white colorable student page, perfect for a Parent Math Night or a Take Home Math Center! Page Eight - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the math answers in a black and white colorable student page, perfect for a Parent Math Night or a Take Home Math Center! Page Eight - This page is a Common Core poster for your math center, or Classroom Focus Board with the main focus of the lesson. Page Nine - A black and white version of Page Four - A Student Directions page, perfect to place in a center folder, a center Ziploc baggie, or staple up above the math center on the wall. The bottom of the page also includes Teacher Directions too! Page Ten - A black and white version of Page Five - A cute, matching clip art sign stating "Math Center" to place on the wall over your math center, and if you like, it can stay up all year! Or to place on a folder to identify a movable, portable math center if your class space is limited! Print this on color paper to save ink, but still add some joy to your classroom! Pages Eleven to Twenty-Two -
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! ** PLEASE NOTE ** This BONUS FILE appears in all the resources in this bundle, but the 12 pages are not included in the TpT description page listing of number of pages.
There are many ways to use this 3rd Grade Go Math 1.6 Use the
Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Games Resource, here are a few
of my favorite ways:
Melody H. said, "Thank you for creating task cards and activities to keep students engaged."
Created by Christine (TpT Seller) said, "This really helped my students who were struggling with using this method for addition and subtraction."
Sarah H. said, "Amazing resource!"
Common Core State Standards

These Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Games, Color By Number, and Task Cards Bundle also include the answer keys. You can laminate the answer keys for the task cards and leave at the center to allow it to be student led, self-checking sheets. In small group lessons you can give each student three to four task cards and they can help each other and review the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Skill by checking the answers that their partner or neighbor answered, keeping everyone involved! Keep your students engaged, alert and on their toes with this one little, cute Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Skill Resource! Place the Color By Number Answer Keys at your center for a Student Self-Checking Sheet too! OR place it in a folder in a different location that they may go check once they show you, or a classroom helper, the completed worksheet.

- To view a variety of over 1,500+ of my center games, click here to see all my center games.
- To view a variety of over 700+ of my task cards, click here to see all my task cards.
- To view a variety of over 760+ of my color by number resources, click here to see all my color by numbers.

The 14 Page Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Color By Numbers Includes:
- A folder cover and/or center cover and/or workbook cover
- Six student pages
- Five answer keys
- Weekly Lesson Plan Ideas and Suggestions
- A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Numbers in your classroom! This number of pages in this letter is NOT included in the TpT description of actual page numbers.
- 24 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Game Cards in Color
- 24 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Game Cards in Black and White
- 1 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Game Folder Cover and/or Math Center Signs in Color
- 1 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Game Folder Cover and/or Math Center Signs in Black and White
- 1 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Student Directions in Color, including Teacher Directions
- 1 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Student Directions in Black and White, including Teacher Directions
- 1 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Math Center Sign in Color
- 1 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Math Center Sign in Black and White
- A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Numbers in your classroom! This number of pages in this letter is NOT included in the TpT description of actual page numbers.
- 36 Break Apart Strategy to Add Task Cards in Color
- 36 Matching Break Apart Strategy to Add Task Cards in Black and White
- 1 Recording Sheet
- 1 Answer Key Sheet - Perfect for a Student Self-Checking Sheet
- 2 Teacher and/or Math Center Task Card Folder Covers
- Center Sign Stating "Task Cards" perfect for a student folder cover too!
- A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Numbers in your classroom! This number of pages in this letter is NOT included in the TpT description of actual page numbers.
This 3rd Grade Go Math 1.6 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Center Games, Color By Number, and Task Cards Bundle is Perfect for...
- Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
- Math Center Assignments
- Fine Motor Skills Work
- Small Math Group Lessons
- Math Workstations
- Morning Work Worksheet
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Clip Board Work Time
- Seat Work
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Indoor Recess
- Homework Packets
- Morning Work Tubs
- Independent Practice
- Early Finishers
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Math Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Early Morning Arrival Students
- Early Morning Tutoring
- Indoor Recess
- And so much more!
Page 1 - Teacher Folder - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add task cards folder cover. Page 2 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" Pages 3 to 11 - 36 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Task Cards. The task cards state, "Solve" above the problem that reinforces the Break Apart Strategy to Add. Page 12 - Recording Sheet. Page 13 - Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Page Page 14 - Teacher Folder In Grayscale - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add task cards folder cover. Page 15 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" in Grayscale, print on colored paper to save colored ink and to really make your sign POP! Pages 16 to 24 - 36 Estimate Sums Task Cards in a black and white outlined style of clip art. The first two task cards on every page focuses only on estimating for ten and the last two task cards on every page focuses only on estimating for hundred. This way you can differentiate your class by giving a few cards to your lowest group, more cards to your average group, and all the cards to your highest group, but everyone will still get experience with rounding to nearest ten and rounding to the nearest hundred while estimating sums. Pages 25 to 36 -
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! ** PLEASE NOTE ** This BONUS FILE appears in all the resources in this bundle, but the 12 pages are not included in the TpT description page listing of number of pages. COLOR BY NUMBER:
Page One - A cover page stating "Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a folder cover for your students, give them a file folder with this cover and they can keep all the student sheets in the file folder to work on during math centers, morning work, or as a fast finisher activity. You can take a large piece of construction paper, 12 inches X 18 inches, fold it in half and use that as a "File Folder" to hold your students' work too.
One of my favorite uses for this cover page is to use it as a workbook cover and staple the other six pages with it, perfect for a Fast Finisher book! Page Two - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has a cute little boy and an adorable little girl on this solve and color page. Students solve the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page and then use the Color Code to color it in. A fun idea is to have the students do the math during morning work, and then they can use color pencils, markers, water color paint, etc. to color by code during math center time or seat work time. Page Three - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has a cute little teddy bear reading a book and enjoying a nice warm drink in his pumpkin mug on this solve and color page. Students solve the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page and then use the Color Code to color it in. Another fun idea is to have the students do the math for homework, and then they can use color pencils, markers, water color paint, etc. to color by code during their math morning work time! Page Four - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page is one of my very favorites! It has a cute little dog with his doggie bowl and a big WOOF to color too! Students solve the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems and then use the code box to color their answers! Page Five - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page. When your student is done solving these problems, there is also a little girl and a fancy border that they can color for fun! Page Six - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems on this page. When your student is done solving these problems, there is also a little boy in the corner that they can color for fun! Page Seven - This Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add Page has 10 COMPLEX Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add problems. There are underlined spaces to help your students to remember and do all the steps involved with adding two 3-digit numbers. This page is perfect for an end of the week, end of the skill, assessment. Pages Eight to Thirteen - Six Answer Keys Page Fourteen - Weekly Lesson Plan Ideas and Suggestions Pages Fifteen to Twenty-Six -
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! ** PLEASE NOTE ** This BONUS FILE appears in all the resources in this bundle, but the 12 pages are not included in the TpT description page listing of number of pages.

Lesson Plan Ideas For The Color By Number Pages:
Monday - Use pages 5 or 6, as a Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add pre-assessment. Plan your small groups for the week around the data from this and your other observations. Tuesday - Use page 5, the 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add math problems that break the 3-digit number down using their place value skills as morning work. Depending on the level of your boys and girls, they can complete the page alone, in pairs, or in a group. You can have the answer key on the board so that they are copying the correct answers as a very basic, low math level activity. OR Once the boys and girls are done, you, or a student, can project the answer key, covering up the problems and call them out one at a time, while revealing the answer.
* During math rotations, use page 2, a cute little boy and an adorable little girl solve and color page to review Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add during your student seat work time. Wednesday - Use page 6, the 16 Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add math problems that break the 3-digit number down using their place value skills as morning work. Depending on the level of your boys and girls, they can complete the page alone, in pairs, or in a group. You can have the answer key on the board so that they are copying the correct answers as a very basic, low math level activity. OR Once the boys and girls are done, you, or a student, can project the answer key, covering up the problems and call them out one at a time, while revealing the answer.
* During math rotations, use page 3, the cute little teddy bear reading a book solve and color page to review Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add during your student seat work time. Thursday - During morning work, classwork, small group instruction, or seat work, have the students complete pages 5 & 6 copied front to back, the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add pages as a review. You can have the students self-correct the page or peer sharing to review and come to a final answer together, all sorts of review possibilities.
OR PLAN B - Just give one of the pages from 5 and 6, (the easier page) Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add pages as a final assessment.
* During math rotations, use page 4, the cute little dog with his doggie bowl solve and color page to review Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add during your student seat work time. Friday - Use page 7, the Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add page that has 10 problems as a final assessment. Weekly Homework - You can use any and all of these pages as your weekly homework review, they are completely student self-directed so you will not have any problems or concerns with parents that are unable to help their children with this assignment. Win-Win for everyone!

Page One - A cover page stating "Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center. Multiple uses with just this one, colorful, inviting page! Page Two - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the math problems. Page Three - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the answers. Page Four - A Student Directions page, perfect to place in a center folder, a center Ziploc baggie, or staple up above the math center on the wall. The bottom of the page also includes Teacher Directions too! Page Five - A cute, matching clip art sign stating "Math Center" to place on the wall over your math center, and if you like, it can stay up all year! Or to place on a folder to identify a movable, portable math center if your class space is limited! Page Six - A black and white version of Page One - A cover page stating "Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add" that can be used for a cover sheet for your file folder in your files. It can also be a math center folder cover for your students, by putting this math center in a folder with the folder cover, your students can take it back to their desk if your classroom space is limited. You can also use the cover page as a poster, placing it on the wall over your math center. Multiple uses with just this one, adorable, inviting page! Perfect for a Math Night Take Home Center Game!
Page Seven - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the math problems in a black and white colorable student page, perfect for a Parent Math Night or a Take Home Math Center! Page Eight - Twelve center game cards with cute clip art and the math answers in a black and white colorable student page, perfect for a Parent Math Night or a Take Home Math Center! Page Eight - This page is a Common Core poster for your math center, or Classroom Focus Board with the main focus of the lesson. Page Nine - A black and white version of Page Four - A Student Directions page, perfect to place in a center folder, a center Ziploc baggie, or staple up above the math center on the wall. The bottom of the page also includes Teacher Directions too! Page Ten - A black and white version of Page Five - A cute, matching clip art sign stating "Math Center" to place on the wall over your math center, and if you like, it can stay up all year! Or to place on a folder to identify a movable, portable math center if your class space is limited! Print this on color paper to save ink, but still add some joy to your classroom! Pages Eleven to Twenty-Two -
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom! ** PLEASE NOTE ** This BONUS FILE appears in all the resources in this bundle, but the 12 pages are not included in the TpT description page listing of number of pages.

- Use one page as a game board, cut the other page. Place all those cards face down. Have the students turn over one card at a time, solve and place face up on the board. If they are incorrect, the card returns to the bottom of the pile. The winner is the student who places the final card. OR, for a "no winner" version, the goal is for the students to solve the cards independently, but to completely cover the board together. This version can ALSO be played two ways. One way is with the answer page as the game board, another way is with the math problem page as the game board instead.
- You can also play this game with cutting all the cards and matching up the problems with the solutions.
- For movement, place the problem cards around the room and the student(s) have to solve the math problem and leave the correct answer card at that location. Have a second student check the answers to extend the game.
- Mix all the cards together, with two students, deal 5 cards to each student and then place the remaining cards face down. Use as a Go Fish card game!
- Lay all the cards upside down on the floor and use as a Concentration (some call it Memory) Game!

** Grab this 3rd Grade Go Math 1.6 Use the Break Apart Strategy
to Add Center Games, Color By Number, and Task Cards Bundle for
your Math Center today! **

*** Excellent for an assessment. ***
*** Terrific Teacher Feedback ***Melody H. said, "Thank you for creating task cards and activities to keep students engaged."
Created by Christine (TpT Seller) said, "This really helped my students who were struggling with using this method for addition and subtraction."
Sarah H. said, "Amazing resource!"


More Photos of These Great Resources for You to Pin for Later!

How about you? Do you have any tips or tricks you would like to share? Please leave them in the comments and I'll update this blog post with your ideas!
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The post, Do You Need Teaching Resources and Lessons for How to Use the Break Apart Strategy to Add? first appeared on Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas. See ya' tomorrow,

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