Every morning we sing Hello, Hi There from Shari Sloane's School is Cool album as part of our morning calendar. When she says "find a partner near you," I stop the music and let them pair up.
BUT THEN... when we have some absent, on a day when we have an ODD number of students, we stop and I will be that person's partner. We quickly discuss that ONE was left over, etc.
After a few days of a ODD number of students they become wise to my ways and EVERYONE wants to be the one left over so they can be my partner. So then I teach them that one group will have three students, one group will have an ODD number and we can roll on for the rest of the year. It really clicks with my kinders, and by exposing them to ODD and EVEN every.single.day, HOPEFULLY, they will be ready to roll in second grade for your review.
More Resources
I've created two resources to help you review and remediate during your center time. These task cards and center game are available in this bundle or separately.
Bundle Description
This bundle has task cards and center games for Second Grade Go Math 1.1 Even or Odd Numbers. You will love how easy it is to prepare this easy to prep bundle for your math class. Perfect for small groups, read the room, centers, scoot, tutoring, Around the World whole class game, homework, seat work, so many ways to use these task cards and center games that the possibilities are endless. Your students will enjoy the freedom of independent learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! Perfect for an assessment grade for the week or for a substitute teacher day!
These resources are available in both the bundle or separately...
Task Cards Include:
12 Task Cards
1 Recording Sheet
1 Answer Key
Center Game Include:
* Two pages of problem and answer cards
* Adorable Cover for the center
* Answer Key / Student Self-Checking Sheet
Click here to see all of my Second Grade Go Math Resources at TpT.
Click here to see all of my Second Grade Go Math Resources at TpT.
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