Happy, Happy, Happy Summer Friends!
Don't you love that feeling when everything is clean, packed and ready for the summer? I haven't really blogged about anything personal this year, just my TpT resources to help you in your classroom. But long story short, I felt that God called back to the classroom this year and WHOOOOOSH, the last nine months have been a blur, but here I am packing up for the summer after a wonderful year in kindergarten. Probably my most favorite year ever! :)
To celebrate this exciting and well earned summer, I'm having a 20% off sale on everything in my TpT store, including my already discounted bundles. I now remember what it is like to get paid once a month and have to plan accordingly.
This summer, besides getting ready for next year, my goals are to finish all my bundles for my third grade math resources, finish creating second grade math resources and the bundles for them, as well as sharing what I make for my kindergarten class.
If you have followed me for a while, you know I have a long running Freebie Friday feature, that has turned into my number one blog post, generating thousands of views a week. I'm putting it in writing to YOU to hold myself accountable, but this summer all of my Freebie Fridays will be brand new to help you in your classroom, fluctuating between Kinder, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade resources. So bookmark this page, follow me for the email or just check back each Friday for the fun!
See you tomorrow,
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