Fractions on the Standardized Tests
I always found on the state tests the two or three problems dealing with fractions were always tricky. Try as you might to prepare your students for a strong background in fractions, missing one or two test questions due to TRICKY or POORLY WRITTEN questions is not fair to students, not fair to teachers and not what the original point of testing was all about. But it is the way of the world right now, so the better prepared your students are, the better the chance they have at being successful.
Research shows the more you review with hands-on centers and games, the more your students will retain the information. Task cards, Scoot, I Have, Who Has? Games all keep your students up and moving. Their body AND brain are actively engaged.
I have created some new St. Patrick's Day I Have, Who Has? Cards for a wonderful, engaging review in your classroom.
{100 cards total with six versions, three easy and three hard.}
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