These have been one of my very favorite winter task cards. This bundle has:
→72 Task Cards in color.
→72 Task Cards in black and white.
→6 Recording Printable Worksheets with 6 Answer Key Sheets
This convenience bundle has the following two resources:
Winter Addition Task Cards and
Winter Subtraction Task Cards.

This resource contains:
→36 Task Cards in color.
→36 Task Cards in black and white.
→3 Recording Printable Worksheets with 3 Answer Key Sheets

→36 Task Cards in color.
→36 Task Cards in black and white.
→3 Recording Printable Worksheets with 3 Answer Key Sheets

The recording sheets are terrific for math centers, scoot, math team races, or seat work.
The 3 Recording Printable Worksheets are made for you to use multiple ways...
1. Student does 18 task cards on one day and they show their work with the first page.
2. The students do the next 18 task cards the next day and they show their work on the second page in the image.
3. The student can complete all 36 task cards on a white board or scrap paper and only turn in the answers to the teacher for easy grading.
4. Copy the first two pages front to back and students can show their work for all 36 task cards.
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