Twelve Days of Christmas Addition and Subtraction Facts Bundle - Color Your Answers for Christmas!
Yesterday the TpT Cyber Monday sale was in full swing and I would like to share my best seller from yesterday with you. Twelve Days of Christmas Addition and Subtraction Facts Bundle - Color Your Answers for Christmas!
This Christmas convenience bundle has the following two resources:
1. Christmas Math: 12 Days of Christmas Addition Facts Plus One to Plus Twelve - Color Your Answers and
2. Christmas Math: 12 Days of Christmas Subtraction Facts - Color Your Answers
This Subtraction Christmas Math Resource has 12 pages that are organized like this:
1. A partridge in a pear tree - Mixed subtraction with 1, 2 and 3.
2. Turtledove - Mixed subtraction with 2, 3 and 4.
3. French Hen - Mixed subtraction with 3, 4 and 5.
4. Calling Bird - Mixed subtraction with 4, 5 and 6.
5. Golden Ring - Mixed subtraction with 5, 6 and 7.
6. Geese A Laying - Subtract from 6 and 7.
7. Swan A Swimming - Subtract from 7 and 8.
8. Maid A Milking - Subtract from 8 and 9.
9. Lady Dancing - Subtract from 9 and 10.
10. Lord A Leaping - Subtract from 10 and 11.
11. Piper Piping - Subtract from 11 and 12.
12. Drummer Drumming - Subtract from 10, 11 and 12.
This Addition Christmas Math Resource has 12 pages that are organized like this:
1. A partridge in a pear tree - plus one.
2. Turtledove - plus two.
3. French Hen - plus three.
4. Calling Bird - plus four.
5. Golden Ring - plus five.
6. Geese A Laying - plus six.
7. Swan A Swimming - plus seven.
8. Maid A Milking - plus eight.
9. Lady Dancing - plus nine.
10. Lord A Leaping - plus ten.
11. Piper Piping - plus eleven.
12. Drummer Drumming - plus twelve.
EXTRA BONUS: 12 Days of Christmas cover sheet so you can make a Twelve Days of Christmas Book for the children for the entire MONTH OF DECEMBER!
Next Up Is a Fun Linky Party!

Today's linky showcases the top wishlisted items in my TpT store and as you
scroll down, you'll see other TpT Author's top wishlisted items as well.
These items are the resources that are the most sought-after within each
TpT store below. The best news is that they are ALL on sale for the TpT
site-wide sale. I hope you find some great deals that help you spend less time in the classroom and more time with your family and friends this holiday season.
Happy shopping!
Click any of the images below to go directly to that resource in my store!
Click any of the images below to go directly to that resource in my store!
This resource includes:
42 Coloring Pages for Fairy Tales
This resource includes:
1. Solving for Perimeter Center Game, Color and Black and White
2. Solving for Perimeter Task Cards and Answer Printable Worksheet, with Answer Keys / Self-Checking Sheets
3. Solving for Perimeter Seat Work / Printable Worksheets with Answer
Sheets {Use for assessment, small group, RtI, homework, morning work or
This resource includes:
Three Different Multiplication Arrays Center Games with words and definitions cards, Go Fish, Old Maid and Concentration.*Center Folder Cover
*Math Center Folder Sign
*Teacher’s Directions
*Three Different Student’s Directions, one for each game
*Center Game Cards
*Answer Key / Student Self-Check Sheets
Today and Today Only TpT Code: CYBER2016
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