You will love the no prep, print and go ease of these Twelve Days of Christmas Addition and Subtraction printables. Your students will adore these Christmas Color By Number worksheets while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! As always, answer keys are included. Twelve Days of Christmas Addition and Subtraction Facts One to Twelve - a Wonderfully Fun Color By Number for Christmas!
Christmas Color By Number Twelve Days of Christmas Addition & Subtraction BundleTWENTY-FOUR No Prep Christmas Math Printables and TWENTY-FOUR Answer Keys that can be used for your math center, small group, RTI pull out, seat work or homework. Perfect for some Christmas Math fun in your classroom this year!
This Christmas Math bundle has the following two resources:
1. Christmas Color By Number Twelve Days of Christmas Addition Facts Plus One to Plus Twelve and
2. Christmas Color By Number Twelve Days of Christmas Subtraction Facts Minus One to Minus Twelve
This Subtraction Christmas Math Resource has 12 pages that are organized like this:
1. A partridge in a pear tree - Mixed subtraction with 1, 2 and 3.
2. Turtledove - Mixed subtraction with 2, 3 and 4.
3. French Hen - Mixed subtraction with 3, 4 and 5.
4. Calling Bird - Mixed subtraction with 4, 5 and 6.
5. Golden Ring - Mixed subtraction with 5, 6 and 7.
6. Geese A Laying - Subtract from 6 and 7.
7. Swan A Swimming - Subtract from 7 and 8.
8. Maid A Milking - Subtract from 8 and 9.
9. Lady Dancing - Subtract from 9 and 10.
10. Lord A Leaping - Subtract from 10 and 11.
11. Piper Piping - Subtract from 11 and 12.
12. Drummer Drumming - Subtract from 10, 11 and 12.
This Addition Christmas Math Resource has 12 pages that are organized like this:
1. A partridge in a pear tree - plus one.
2. Turtledove - plus two.
3. French Hen - plus three.
4. Calling Bird - plus four.
5. Golden Ring - plus five.
6. Geese A Laying - plus six.
7. Swan A Swimming - plus seven.
8. Maid A Milking - plus eight.
9. Lady Dancing - plus nine.
10. Lord A Leaping - plus ten.
11. Piper Piping - plus eleven.
12. Drummer Drumming - plus twelve.
EXTRA BONUS: Twelve Days of Christmas cover sheet so you can make a Twelve Days of Christmas Book for your children, enough work for the entire MONTH OF DECEMBER!
I also have The 12 Days of Christmas as Coloring Book Pages, without math, if you need or would like something easier for this busy, crazy, time of school year!

How is a teacher different from a train?
ANSWER: The teacher says, "Spit your gum out!"
The train says, "Chooo Chooo!"
For a couple of years now I've created memes with jokes for your students, mostly jokes with a play on words to get them thinking. They are not for sale, just something FREE and FUN & I put them on IG and FB. I also have a Pinterest Board with over 25,000+ followers {at the time of the publication of this post, 12/5/2019} just for the student jokes. I'm going to "anchor" them here on my blog first before I share them out on other social media outlets moving forward. If you love them, click here to see the entire board for your class. My Pinterest Account has 49,000+ followers and I would love it if you can follow me on Pinterest too while you are there.
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