As a fifth grade teacher, I am always looking for resources that can capture my students’ attention, make my job easier, and, most importantly, ensure student learning. I have found a resource that is a true winner. I have been utilizing SNAP Learning Close Reading Program in my after school remedial program twice a week.
Before we started, I assessed my students and determined the Lexile Level for each of my students. Using that information, I have been able to use the SNAP Learning Close Reading Program to select a variety of texts, both fiction and nonfiction, from which my students can choose. The selections for each student are in his/her Lexile range.
My students have enjoyed selecting their own texts and working through the close reading tasks. Each day they log in to the website, read the text they have chosen, and do the associated tasks. The tasks closely match the expected format of our new state testing for reading/writing. They require students to write short constructed responses, cite evidence from the text to support their answers, and be able to identify specific parts of a text such as the main idea.
Using the SNAP! Learning Close Reading Program has been a phenomenal way for students to take charge of their own learning. When they arrive at the after school class, they are excited to quickly get a laptop, get logged on, and start working through their text. I rarely, if ever, have to deal with classroom management issues as the students are excited, motivated, and determined to work hard with their chosen materials.
Why I love SNAP's Close Reading program:
· Reading strategies are tailored to student's reading levels
· Self-guided lessons build my students’ confidence
· Limited planning required from me!
· Easy, ready reports documenting student use and achievements

About the Author
LeAnne Tellez is a 5th grade Teacher at the Harold S. Winograd School in Colorado.
You can get a free trial of the SNAP Learning Close Reading Portfolio here.
You can learn more about SNAP’s Close Reading Portfolio here.
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