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Congratulations to our winners from Grumpy
If you don't follow me on Instagram, Lilly, my oldest and grumpiest rescue, gives a Daily Lillycast about the weather here on our little island.
Tonight we were moving my old van to storage in the back of the house and we were horsing around with the dogs. Three of her pups, Anna, Scotty and Bully, the big lump in the passenger seat, are in the front and Queen Lilly was in the back seat! I just don't get how those people get a whole bunch of dogs to hold still for Instagram pictures, but I tried!
If you don't follow me on Instagram, Lilly, my oldest and grumpiest rescue, gives a Daily Lillycast about the weather here on our little island.
Tonight we were moving my old van to storage in the back of the house and we were horsing around with the dogs. Three of her pups, Anna, Scotty and Bully, the big lump in the passenger seat, are in the front and Queen Lilly was in the back seat! I just don't get how those people get a whole bunch of dogs to hold still for Instagram pictures, but I tried!
Everybody in, Lilly's taking us to Sonic! |
I would just ♥love it if
you would follow me!
you would follow me!
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