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I ♥love Whitman's Sampler candy.
Can't help it, gonna own it, wasn't gonna do candy this year, but this is our family's tradition every year. It is the only time I eat this type of candy, so it really "seems" like Valentine's Day. Once the box is in the house, it is a quick and easy death. That's why we only bring it in once a year.....sigh...anywoo, on with the directions!
{Remember, I'm not a great photographer, I just play one for my blog....haha!}
Clean out the box, add a little scrapbook paper {which doesn't fade as fast as construction paper} on the front, add the center cover and pop the pieces, sheets, dice, whatever inside and YOU.ARE.READY.TO.GO!
These are perfect for classrooms that have very little center areas. I started making these over 20 years ago when I had 34 students in a teeny-tiny Florida portable. They could grab a box and take them back to their desks. It works for independent work, pairs or groups of 3-4 children. It involves very little storage and your early finishers can even keep it at their desk.
seat work doesn't always mean dull work!
This is a terrific way to have your students use centers for a brain break, especially those boys that need to stand at their desk to release some energy.
Shown is one of my best sellers, I just printed the cards in gray scale on light blue hard stock to save ink.
Another great idea for a simile center game is to use paint sample cards.
This is for when you introduce similes, or need remediation with your low-babies. Use two similar colors to help them read and match up the simile. I love the Disney samples because the colors are very bold and the paper is very strong.
Then, when your group is more advanced, just use one color for the entire game!
Placing matching stickers on the back make the game self-checking/self-correcting!
What a great way to introduce similes. My favorite is "As Cute As A" - "Button". I love it. I just might have to steal this concept, and use it with my kiddos. Thanks again for linking up, and sharing with me. :)