TEST PREP for Spring - Addition Word Problems Using STEAL and SLIDE!

Fern Smith's TEST PREP for Spring - Addition Word Problems Using STEAL and SLIDE For Common Core 2.OA.1
This packet is aligned to Common Core 2.OA.1 and is now available at my TeachersPayTeacher's Store.

My latest addition to the Steal and Slide method of attacking word problems. Once your students learn the step, Steal and Slide makes word problems a breeze. You will have great success in your classroom because the students show each step for their math and can't just "Christmas Tree" any ole' answer!

33 Pages Total!
*Student Desk Charts

*Class reference chart/sign/poster
*Step By Step Teaching Script to learn STEAL and SLIDE
*Colorful Step By Step Teacher Slides to Project on overhead or digital camera. 
*Also can be copied for Student Books to place in your center.
*Student worksheets and ANSWER KEYS.

STEAL and SLIDE is a word problem / test taking strategy that will work with all your word problems!

Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2.OA.1
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one-step and two-step word problems.

This lesson is also available at my Teachers Notebook Shop and Teachers Marketplace Shop!

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