CHAMPS for Small Groups!
My students and I have been living together for ten days, because of CHAMPS, they are so good!
My students and I have been living together for ten days, because of CHAMPS, they are so good!
I believe in CHAMPS, it works! I've used it for over four years. Basically if you tell the children your expectations, they will live up to them. Our school is suppose to have the worse kids, I adore them, they behave for me! :) CHAMPS is one of the reasons! When you attend a CHAMPS workshop or read the book there is sooooo much to choose from, it is designed for K -12th and for any class type.
CHAMPS Stands For
C = Conversation
H = Help
A = Activity
M = Movement
P = Participation
S = Success!
Well if you teach K to 6th, this is what works for me and it might work for you. I teach two ways in my room, a mini-lesson with direct instruction for about 10 - 15 minutes and then small group center work. So I only have to have two choices for each expectation. I use thumbtacks and the yellow cards are back to back, so while I am reviewing the expectations, I can very easily flip them over.
During Whole Group Instruction
C = Conversation
0 No Talking
H = Help
Raise Your Hand
A = Activity
M = Movement
P = Participation
Everyone {This never changes!}
S = Success!
During Small Groups
C = Conversation
2 Whisper
H = Help
3 Then Me {When I am working with small groups and the students are in
centers, they need to ask three other students first, then interrupt me at
small group. Very rarely will they have to interrupt the teacher. This
definitely needs to be role played at the start because you will have
some that can't wait to "ask 3!" If three children cannot help the child, then I need to stop and make sure the entire class understands the directions.}
A = Activity
M = Movement
{When I am working with small groups the students may not go from center to center, but they may go to the restroom
without asking.}
P = Participation
Everyone {This never changes!}
S = Success!
I hope this helps you jump start
CHAMPS in your classroom!

Click here to read my original post ~ CHAMPS in My Classroom
Click here to read my second part ~ Part Two of My CHAMPS Board ~ Flip Your Card Behavior Chart!
What a cool idea. I just may have to try this!
ReplyDeleteIf you do, keep me posted! :)
Fern...I just wanted to say that your free item at the Expo is SO cute! I downloaded it and wanted to say thanks for sharing:)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for coming over to say thank you! So glad you liked it!
I love the idea of using a border to hold your color cards. SO clever! I have to figure out a way to use that somewhere...
Kindergarten Schmindergarten