American Graduate: Teacher Town Hall Meeting

My principal, two of my teacher friends and me!

Today was a great day, scary, but great! WJCT held a Teachers Town Hall Meeting to address dropout prevention in America today. Today's meeting will be broadcast all over Florida on May 24th at 9 pm. I've been a nervous wreck worried about doing this for the past two days. But it was great!
This is Al Letson.
He was the moderator. He has his own show, State of the Re:Union on NPR and PBS.
To answer a question we had to stand up say our name, school and grade. 
This was how my turn went ~
Fern: Fern Smith, 3rd Grade, Grove Park Elementary School
Al {interrupts}: I graduated from Grove Park Elementary!
Fern {yelling}: Seriously? Grove Park? You need to come back to us and be a role model speaker!
OK,  it didn't make too much sense, but I was nervous!!! 
So we went up to him when it was over and asked him to come speak to our children. We were so excited that he was a "Grad Made Good!" He and I grew up a few blocks away from each other and he graduated from my high school 7 years after me, Small World!
He was very gracious! 
I learned a lot and many different teachers had many different points of view, but the wonderful, underlying thing was that every teacher's ultimate concern was our children.

I took a picture of his poster on the way out ~ I'm a geek, I will admit it! 

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